NEMSIS Fields Crosswalk

This chart shows how each NEMSIS field is populated from AngelTrack data. The EMS data crosswalk is first, and then the DEM data crosswalk is further below.

To learn about the NEMSIS validation points in AngelTrack (XSD and Schematron), refer to the State Uploads guide.

EMS Data Crosswalk

Element Source in AngelTrack
EMSDataSet - Root Tag For Dataset
Header - Header for file
DemographicGroup - Demographic information related to this agency
dAgency.01 - EMS Agency Unique State ID Business Identification
dAgency.02 - EMS Agency Number Business Identification
dAgency.04 - EMS Agency State Business Identification
eCustomConfiguration Automatically populated with the reporting state's custom XML, plus the field definitions of any AngelTrack custom ePCR fields that are marked 'reportable'.
PatientCareReport - Container Tag to hold each instance of a patient care report (PCR)
eRecord - Patient Record Information
eRecord.01 - Patient Care Report Number Automatic, no override: Always set to the dispatch ID
eRecord.SoftwareApplicationGroup - Group Tag to hold information about the software used to generate patient care report
eRecord.02 - Software Creator Automatic, no override: Always set to "AngelTrack LLC"
eRecord.03 - Software Name Automatic, no override: Always set to "AngelTrack"
eRecord.04 - Software Version Automatic, no override: Always set to "2.1"
eResponse - Unit Agency Information
eResponse.AgencyGroup - Group Tag to hold EMS agency number and name
eResponse.01 - EMS Agency Number Business Identification
eResponse.02 - EMS Agency Name Business Identification
eResponse.03 - Incident Number Automatic: Always set to the dispatch ID; override from Dispatch Followup.
eResponse.04 - EMS Response Number Automatic: Always set to "D" + dispatch ID + "S" + assigned shift ID; override from Dispatch Followup.
eResponse.ServiceGroup - Group Tag to hold details about EMS category of service and the stand by reason
eResponse.05 - Type of Service Requested Automatic; override in Followup
eResponse.06 - Standby Purpose Dispatch Edit, but only sent when Complaint is "Standby"
eResponse.07 - Primary Role of the Unit Automatic; override in Shift Edit
eResponse.08 - Type of Dispatch Delay Followup (not available on PCR-side Followup page); use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eResponse.09 - Type of Response Delay Followup; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eResponse.10 - Type of Scene Delay Followup, but "Physical barrier" is reported in eHistory.01 instead; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eResponse.11 - Type of Transport Delay Followup; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eResponse.12 - Type of Turn-Around Delay Followup; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eResponse.13 - EMS Vehicle (Unit) Number Vehicle permit/license if set; else vehicle name
eResponse.14 - EMS Unit Call Sign Vehicle callsign of assigned shift
eResponse.15 - Level of Care of This Unit Automatic: Calculated from the vehicle's max service level and the certificates of all crew members; override in Shift Edit, which will allow you to set any patch level if you are an Administrator. You may need to activate certain certificate types from the Certificate Types List if a test-case asks for unusual cert levels.
eResponse.16 - Vehicle Dispatch Location Shift's custom posting location, if any, else name of station where shift is posted
eResponse.17 - Vehicle Dispatch GPS Location GPS position captured when crew presses enroute button, if any; else, the GPS position of the shift's posting station
eResponse.18 - Vehicle Dispatch Location US National Grid Coordinates Station record where shift is posted
eResponse.19 - Beginning Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle Followup; to enable 100ths, visit Preferences under Settings
eResponse.20 - On-Scene Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle Followup
eResponse.21 - Patient Destination Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle Followup
eResponse.22 - Ending Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle Followup
eResponse.23 - Response Mode to Scene Followup
eResponse.24 - Additional Response Mode Descriptors Followup, but "Scheduled"/"Unscheduled" is sent automatically from the dispatch's Priority. If you wish for AngelTrack to emit N/A or N/R in this field, then all three transport-mode detail fields (speed, intersections, sirens) must be set to N/A or N/R, respectively.
eDispatch - Dispatch Information
eDispatch.01 - Complaint Reported by Dispatch Dispatch Edit
eDispatch.02 - EMD Performed Dispatch Create: EMD deck popup, can be edited later from Followup (but not on the PCR side)
eDispatch.03 - EMD Card Number The EMD card for the dispatch complaint is sent. Each EMD card has an editable "State card ID" field which is sent, if specified; else, AngelTrack auto-constructs a card ID based on dispatch complaint, priority, and service requested. Edit the state card IDs using the EMD card editor under Settings. If necessary, you can fixup this field by using the Sandboxes.EMS.1.xsl transformer.
eDispatch.04 - Dispatch Center Name or ID Name of the zone in which the dispatch originates, from the Zones List. If the dispatch does not originate in a specific zone, i.e. if it originates in the 'Global' zone, then AngelTrack will send the contents of Business Identification: "Dispatch office name". See the online help for Zones to see how AngelTrack resolves overlapping zones.
eDispatch.05 - Dispatch Priority (Patient Acuity) Dispatch Edit
eDispatch.06 - Unit Dispatched CAD Record ID Automatic, no override: Always set to the dispatch ID. If necessary, you can fixup this field by using the Sandboxes.EMS.1.xsl transformer.
eCrew - Crew Member Information
eCrew.CrewGroup - Group Tag to hold crew information
eCrew.01 - Crew Member ID Automatic: Certificate number of the highest unexpired EMS cert on file for each attached crew member
eCrew.02 - Crew Member Level Automatic: Certificate level of the highest unexpired EMS cert for each attached crew member; the associated EMS patch levels are converted to their 2009 equivalents. You may need to activate certain certificate types from the Certificate Types List if a test-case asks for unusual cert levels.
eCrew.03 - Crew Member Response Role Automatic; override in "Crew" tab of Dispatch Edit or in the "Crew" tab of the PCR.
eTimes - Call Event Times Information
eTimes.01 - PSAP Call Date/Time Followup: Time phone rang; for N/A, use &AllowDateEdit mode in Dispatch Followup to clear the PSAP time.
eTimes.02 - Dispatch Notified Date/Time Followup: Time activated
eTimes.03 - Unit Notified by Dispatch Date/Time Followup: Time assigned
eTimes.04 - Dispatch Acknowledged Date/Time Followup: Time acknowledged (a number of seconds) added to the later of the Time activated or the Time assigned. This field is not editable from the PCR side.
eTimes.05 - Unit En Route Date/Time Followup: Time enroute
eTimes.06 - Unit Arrived on Scene Date/Time Followup: Time on-scene
eTimes.07 - Arrived at Patient Date/Time Followup: Time of patient contact
eTimes.08 - Transfer of EMS Patient Care Date/Time If the Crew Disposition is any of the "transferred to" values, then time that a transfer signature was collected, if any; else [Not applicable]
eTimes.09 - Unit Left Scene Date/Time Followup: Time transport began, if set; if not transporting, but if the crew did arrive on-scene, then Followup: Time back in service
eTimes.10 - Air Ambulance Landing Time Followup: Time other EMS arrived
eTimes.11 - Patient Arrived at Destination Date/Time Followup: Time arrived at destination
eTimes.12 - Destination Patient Transfer of Care Date/Time Time that a transfer signature was collected, if any; else Followup: Time back in service
eTimes.13 - Unit Back in Service Date/Time Followup: Time back in service
eTimes.14 - Time cancelled Followup: Time of cancellation, if set; else, the later of the time closed or the time returned to service. This field is only sent if the patient disposition indicates a cancellation.
eTimes.15 - Time Back at Home Location Followup: Time back at station
eTimes.16 - EMS Call Completed Date/Time Followup: The later of the time closed or the time returned to service
ePatient - Patient Information
ePatient.01 - EMS Patient ID Automatic, no override: Always set to the patient ID. If necessary, you can fixup this field by using the Sandboxes.EMS.1.xsl transformer.
ePatient.PatientNameGroup - Group Tag to hold patient's name
ePatient.02 - Last Name Patient Edit or PCR Patient
ePatient.03 - First Name Patient Edit or PCR Patient
ePatient.04 - Middle Initial/Name Patient Edit or PCR Patient
ePatient.05 - Patient's Home Address Patient Edit or PCR Patient; the floor/room is reported in a "StreetAddress2" attribute
ePatient.06 - Patient's Home City Patient Edit or PCR Patient; see note below about matching the city in a testcase
ePatient.07 - Patient's Home County Patient Edit or PCR Patient
ePatient.08 - Patient's Home State Patient Edit or PCR Patient; for [Not recorded], choose one of the "[Unknown]" options in the state dropdownlist
ePatient.09 - Patient's Home ZIP Code Patient Edit or PCR Patient
ePatient.10 - Patient's Country of Residence Automatic: Inferred from home state
ePatient.11 - Patient Home Census Tract Patient Edit, six digits only; the state and county prefixes will be added automatically
ePatient.12 - Social Security Number Patient Edit or PCR Patient
ePatient.13 - Gender Patient Edit or PCR Patient; choose "Other" for "Unknown (Unable to Determine)"
ePatient.14 - Race Patient Edit or PCR Patient
ePatient.AgeGroup - Group Tag to hold patient's age information
ePatient.15 - Age Patient Edit or PCR Patient; automatically inferred from DOB if any; to specify a time of birth in order to get an age in hours or minutes, set the DOB to the same date as patient contact, save, then reenter the PCR Patient page to set the hour and minute inputs.
ePatient.16 - Age Units Patient Edit or PCR Patient; automatically inferred from DOB if any; to specify a time of birth in order to get an age in hours or minutes, set the DOB to the same date as patient contact, save, then reenter the PCR Patient page to set the hour and minute inputs.
ePatient.17 - Date of Birth Patient Edit or PCR Patient
ePatient.18 - Patient's Phone Number Patient Edit or PCR Patient
ePatient.19 - Patient's Email Address Patient Edit or PCR Patient
ePatient.20 - State Issuing Driver's License Patient Edit or PCR Patient; for [Not recorded], choose one of the "[Unknown]" options in the state dropdownlist
ePatient.21 - Driver's License Number Patient Edit or PCR Patient
ePayment - Insurance/Payment Information
ePayment.01 - Primary Method of Payment Automatic: Inferred from bill-to settings; see the epayment.01 table below for how this is calculated
ePayment.CertificateGroup - Group Tag to hold Certification information AngelTrack populates this group using data from the youngest PCS document (ePCS or scanned) that applies to the dispatch according to its date of travel, destination facility, and attached patient.
ePayment.02 - Physician Certification Statement "Yes" if any ePCS or scanned PCS document on file matches the criteria, else "No"
ePayment.03 - Date Physician Certification Statement Signed For an ePCS, the time it was signed; for a scanned PCS, the document's start date.
ePayment.04 - Reason for Physician Certification Statement PCR ePCS; note that the NEMSIS spec allows certain reason values which are not valid on a real PCS form:
  • For "Morbid obesity", choose the final (other) medical need, and include "obesity" in the textbox; or choose "Morbid obesity..." in Followup: Reason for stretcher.
  • For all the other obsolete values, choose them from the Followup: Reason for Stretcher field.
ePayment.05 - Healthcare Provider Type Signing Physician Certification Statement PCR ePCS
ePayment.06 - Last Name of Individual Signing Physician Certification Statement PCR ePCS
ePayment.07 - First Name of Individual Signing Physician Certification Statement PCR ePCS
ePayment.08 - Patient Resides in Service Area Automatic: Inferred from patient home ZIP code and the agency's service ZIP codes list in Business Identification
ePayment.InsuranceGroup - Group Tag to hold information about the insurance company AngelTrack will emit this group if the dispatch is set to "Bill insurance" and if the patient's insurance is not "[Not recorded]" and not "[None]"
ePayment.09 - Insurance Company ID The insurance payor ID locked to the patient record, in Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or Coding
ePayment.10 - Insurance Company Name Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.11 - Insurance Company Billing Priority Automatic
ePayment.12 - Insurance Company Address Insurance Payor ID record locked to the patient's insurance settings
ePayment.13 - Insurance Company City Insurance Payor ID record locked to the patient's insurance settings; see note below about matching the city in a testcase
ePayment.14 - Insurance Company State Insurance Payor ID record locked to the patient's insurance settings; if a payor ID record must be locked but you wish for ePayment.14 to be omitted from the XML output, choose one of the "[Unknown]" options in the state dropdownlist
ePayment.15 - Insurance Company ZIP Code Insurance Payor ID record locked to the patient's insurance settings
ePayment.16 - Insurance Company Country Insurance Payor ID record locked to the patient's insurance settings
ePayment.17 - Insurance Policy Group Number Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.18 - Insurance Policy ID Number Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.19 - Last Name of the Insured If not "self", Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.20 - First Name of the Insured If policyholder is not "self", Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.21 - Middle Initial/Name of the Insured If policyholder is not "self", extracted from "Policyholder first name" field. In other words, the policyholder's middle name is input in the same field as their first name.
ePayment.22 - Relationship to the Insured Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.58 - Insurance Group Name Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.59 - Insurance Phone Number Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing; if you need to specify a second phone number, then specify it in the linked (locked) insurance payor ID record
ePayment.60 - Insured Date of Birth Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing; the patient relation to policyholder is 'self' or N/R, then the patient's DOB will be automatically sent
ePayment.ClosestRelativeGroup - Group Tag to hold information about patient's relative or guardian
ePayment.23 - Closest Relative/Guardian Last Name Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.24 - Closest Relative/Guardian First Name Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.25 - Closest Relative/Guardian Middle Initial/Name Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.26 - Closest Relative/Guardian Street Address Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing; for a "StreetAddress2" attribute, append the secondary address after a comma, like this: "101 Main Street, Unit 200"
ePayment.27 - Closest Relative/Guardian City Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing; see note below about matching the city in a testcase
ePayment.28 - Closest Relative/Guardian State Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing; for [Not recorded], choose one of the "[Unknown]" options in the state dropdownlist
ePayment.29 - Closest Relative/Guardian ZIP Code Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.30 - Closest Relative/Guardian Country Automatic: Inferred from next-of-kin home state
ePayment.31 - Closest Relative/Guardian Phone Number Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.32 - Closest Relative/Guardian Relationship Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.EmployerGroup - Group Tag to hold information about patient's employer
ePayment.33 - Patient's Employer Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.34 - Patient's Employer's Address Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing; for a "StreetAddress2" attribute, append the secondary address after a comma, like this: "101 Main Street, PO Box 200"
ePayment.35 - Patient's Employer's City Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing; see note below about matching the city in a testcase
ePayment.36 - Patient's Employer's State Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing; to omit this field from the XML output, choose one of the "[Unknown]" options in the state dropdownlist
ePayment.37 - Patient's Employer's ZIP Code Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.38 - Patient's Employer's Country Automatic: Inferred from employer state
ePayment.39 - Patient's Employer's Primary Phone Number Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing
ePayment.40 - Response Urgency Dispatch Followup: "Enroute driving" if set, else draws from Dispatch Edit: Priority
ePayment.41 - Patient Transport Assessment Automatic, no override: Inferred from Followup: Reason for stretcher dropdown
ePayment.42 - Specialty Care Transport Care Provider QA Review
ePayment.44 - Ambulance Transport Reason Code(s) Automatic: Inferred from Followup: Reason for transport dropdown and checkboxes, and Type of destination. If emitting NEMSIS v350, then AngelTrack may send a second value, if additional "Reason for transport" checkboxes are ticked.
ePayment.45 - Round Trip Purpose Description For v340 output, this field contains Followup: Reason for Transport freetext.
For v350 output, if the dispatch is NOT paired to another and is NOT marked as a return-trip, then this field is empty; else, it contains Coding: Pickup notes, if any, else it contains Followup: Reason for Transport freetext. Note that if your test-case specifies only an outbound trip, you can force AngelTrack to treat it as a round-trip by creating a return-trip and then cancelling the return-trip.
ePayment.46 - Stretcher Purpose Description Coding: Reason for stretcher text, if set, else Followup: Reason for stretcher text
ePayment.47 - Ambulance Conditions Indicator Coding: Ambulance cert
ePayment.48 - Mileage to Closest Hospital Facility Automatic, no override: If Followup: Reason for choosing destination is "Closest facility", and the destination is a hospital, then the transport mileage is sent; else, the mileage to the nearest hospital-type facility on file is calculated and sent
ePayment.49 - ALS Assessment Performed and Warranted Automatic, no override: Will be "Yes" if a PCR Assessment record exists that was performed by a crew member whose patch level is at least ALS-I, or by an "Other" person who is at least a paramedic or RN
ePayment.50 - CMS Service Level Automatic: Inferred from Dispatch Edit priority and service level requested, QA Review service level provided, and the shift's vehicle type; can be overridden on the Coding page by clicking "Set the codes manually"
ePayment.51 - EMS Condition Code Coding: Diagnosis codes; remember that you can hand-type any ICD-10 code you like into the comboboxes, your code need not appear in the picklist
ePayment.52 - CMS Transportation Indicator All indicators (C0, C1, C3, D0, D1, D2, etc.) are scraped from Coding: "Claim notes" field, must be comma-separated; for a list of choices, see values table below
ePayment.53 - Transport Authorization Code Coding: Prior authorization number
ePayment.54 - Prior Authorization Code Payer "Provided by" field of the best matching PAN document attached to the dispatch
ePayment.SupplyItemGroup - Group Tag to hold information about the supply used on the patient by the EMS Crew during the EMS event.
ePayment.55 - Supply Item Used Name "Comments" field of any "Service charge" payment events attached to the dispatch where the field includes the text " Quantity nn", like this: "Gloves Quantity 4"; can create these payment events from QA Review
ePayment.56 - Number of Supply Item(s) Used "Comments" field of any "Service charge" payment events attached to the dispatch where the field includes the text "Quantity nn", "nn" being a numeric quantity; can create these payment events from QA Review
ePayment.57 - Payer Type Patient Edit "Billing" tab, or PCR Billing: Primary insurance policy type
eScene - Incident Scene Information
eScene.01 - First EMS Unit on Scene N/A if did not arrive on-scene.
N/R if arrived on-scene but the first of the "Other services at scene" (in Followup) is "[Not recorded]".
Otherwise, this field is automatically inferred from the on-scene times of the crew and the other services at scene, plus the on-scene times of any additional responding units.
eScene.ResponderGroup - Group Tag to hold info from all responders to the scene.
eScene.02 - Name of Other Service at Scene Followup
eScene.03 - ID of Other Service at Scene Followup
eScene.04 - Type of Other Service at Scene Followup, plus the auto-converted service level of any shift that was assigned as additional responders
eScene.24 - First Other EMS or Public Safety Agency at Scene to Provide Patient Care Followup, automatically calculated from the responders' times on-scene
eScene.05 - Date/Time Initial Responder Arrived on Scene Automatically calculated from the on-scene times for the crew and for the other services at scene, in Followup
eScene.06 - Number of Patients at Scene Followup
eScene.07 - Mass Casualty Incident PCR Injury
eScene.08 - Triage Classification for MCI Patient PCR Injury
eScene.09 - Incident Location Type Followup, if set, else Facility Edit of facility attached as origin; list is populated from Origin Types List
eScene.10 - Incident Facility Code Facility Edit of facility attached as origin
eScene.11 - Scene GPS Location GPS coords captured from crew mobile device when clicked "On scene", if any; else Facility Edit of facility record attached as origin
eScene.12 - Scene US National Grid Coordinates Facility Edit of facility attached as origin; you can create a facility record that has no city by typing "Unknown" into the city field
eScene.13 - Location Name Facility Edit of facility attached as the origin, else Dispatch Edit; specify "unknown" to cause AngelTrack to completely omit eScene.13
eScene.14 - Mile Post or Major Roadway PCR Injury
eScene.15 - Incident Street Address Facility Edit of facility attached as origin, else Dispatch Edit; if using a facility record and yet still wanting a [Not recorded] in this field, type "Unknown" into the facility record's street address field.
eScene.16 - Incident Apartment, Suite, or Room Facility Edit of facility attached as origin, else Dispatch Edit
eScene.17 - Incident City Facility Edit of facility attached as origin, else Dispatch Edit; see note below about matching the city in a testcase
eScene.18 - Incident State Facility Edit of facility attached as origin, else Dispatch Edit; for [Not recorded], choose one of the "[Unknown]" options in the state dropdownlist
eScene.19 - Incident ZIP Code Facility Edit of facility attached as origin, else Dispatch Edit
eScene.20 - Scene Cross Street or Directions PCR Injury
eScene.21 - Incident County Facility Edit of facility attached as origin, else Dispatch Edit
eScene.22 - Incident Country Automatic: Inferred from state of Facility Edit of facility attached as origin, else from origin state in Dispatch Edit
eScene.23 - Incident Census Tract Facility Edit of facility attached as origin; remember that your census tract must be exactly six digits long, as AngelTrack will combine it with the state and county codes to create the full 11-character census tract number
eScene.24 - First Other EMS to Provide Patient Care Automatic: Inferred from the on-scene times specified for the other services on-scene, in Followup
eSituation - Situation Information All eSituation data drawn from PCR Assessment utilizes the chrnologically last assessment, if there is more than one
eSituation.01 - Date/Time of Symptom Onset PCR Assessment next to "Primary symptom", or if unspecified, calculated from primary complaint duration
eSituation.02 - Possible Injury PCR Injury record, if any; else "No" if patient disposition implies patient contact, otherwise "[Not applicable]"
eSituation.PatientComplaintGroup - Group Tag to hold information about patient's complaint
eSituation.03 - Complaint Type Always "Chief (Primary)"
eSituation.04 - Complaint PCR Assessment primary complaint
eSituation.05 - Duration of Complaint PCR Assessment primary complaint
eSituation.06 - Time Units of Duration of Complaint PCR Assessment primary complaint
eSituation.PatientComplaintGroup - Group Tag to hold information about patient's complaint
eSituation.03 - Complaint Type Always "Secondary"
eSituation.04 - Complaint PCR Assessment secondary complaint
eSituation.05 - Duration of Complaint PCR Assessment secondary complaint
eSituation.06 - Time Units of Duration of Complaint PCR Assessment secondary complaint
eSituation.PatientComplaintGroup - Group Tag to hold information about patient's complaint
eSituation.03 - Complaint Type Always "Other"
eSituation.04 - Complaint PCR Assessment other complaint
eSituation.05 - Duration of Complaint PCR Assessment other complaint
eSituation.06 - Time Units of Duration of Complaint PCR Assessment other complaint
eSituation.07 - Chief Complaint Anatomic Location PCR Assessment primary complaint
eSituation.08 - Chief Complaint Organ System PCR Assessment primary complaint
eSituation.09 - Primary Symptom QA Review acute symptoms list, if any, else PCR Assessment acute symptoms list; list of values is drawn from Symptoms List
eSituation.10 - Other Associated Symptoms QA Review acute symptoms list, if any, else PCR Assessment acute symptoms list
eSituation.11 - Provider's Primary Impression PCR Assessment, list of values is drawn from Impressions List
eSituation.12 - Provider's Secondary Impressions PCR Assessment
eSituation.13 - Initial Patient Acuity Followup
eSituation.14 - Injury Is Work-Related PCR Injury
eSituation.15 - Patient's Work Industry PCR Injury
eSituation.16 - Patient's Occupation PCR Injury
eSituation.17 - Activity at Injury PCR Injury
eSituation.18 - Date/Time Last Known Well PCR PMHx
eSituation.19 - Justification for Transfer or Encounter Followup "Reason for transport" textbox
eSituation.20 - Reason for Interfacility Transport Followup, in the 'Transport' section
eInjury - Injury Information
eInjury.01 - Cause of Injury PCR Injury; the list of choices is configurable under Settings in "Injury Cause List"
eInjury.02 - Mechanism of Injury PCR Injury
eInjury.03 - Trauma Center Criteria PCR Injury
eInjury.04 - Vehicular, Pedestrian, or Other Injury Risk Factor PCR Injury as "Trauma risk factors"
eInjury.05 - Main Area of the Vehicle Impacted by the Collision PCR Injury
eInjury.06 - Location of Patient in Vehicle PCR Injury
eInjury.07 - Use of Occupant Safety Equipment PCR Injury
eInjury.08 - Airbag Deployment PCR Injury
eInjury.09 - Fall Height PCR Injury
eInjury.10 - OSHA Gear In Use PCR Injury
eInjury.CollisionGroup - Group Tag to hold the automated collision notification details
eInjury.11 - ACN System/Company Providing ACN Data PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.12 - ACN Incident ID PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.13 - ACN Call Back Phone Number PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.14 - Date/Time of ACN Incident PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.15 - ACN Incident Location PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.16 - ACN Incident Vehicle Body Type PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.17 - ACN Incident Vehicle Manufacturer PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.18 - ACN Incident Vehicle Make PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.19 - ACN Incident Vehicle Model PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.20 - ACN Incident Vehicle Model Year PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.21 - ACN Incident Multiple Impacts PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.22 - ACN Incident Delta Velocity PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.23 - ACN High Probability of Injury PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.24 - ACN Incident PDOF PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.25 - ACN Incident Rollover PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.SeatGroup - Group Tag to hold the seat details
eInjury.26 - ACN Vehicle Seat Location PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.27 - Seat Occupied PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.28 - ACN Incident Seatbelt Use PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eInjury.29 - ACN Incident Airbag Deployed PCR Injury A.C.N. form
eArrest - Cardiac Arrest Information
eArrest.01 - Cardiac Arrest PCR M.I.
eArrest.02 - Cardiac Arrest Etiology PCR M.I.; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eArrest.03 - Resuscitation Attempted By EMS Automatic: Inferred from PCR Procedure and PCR E.C.G. records, see chart below
eArrest.04 - Arrest Witnessed By PCR M.I.
eArrest.05 - CPR Care Provided Prior to EMS Arrival PCR M.I.
eArrest.06 - Who Provided CPR Prior to EMS Arrival PCR M.I.
eArrest.07 - AED Use Prior to EMS Arrival PCR M.I.
eArrest.08 - Who Used AED Prior to EMS Arrival PCR M.I.
eArrest.09 - Type of CPR Provided Automatic: Inferred from PCR procedure records that are ventilations (e.g. 425447009, "Bagged ventilations via mask") or that are compressions in which the type of compressions is recorded
eArrest.11 - First Monitored Arrest Rhythm of the Patient PCR M.I.
eArrest.12 - Any Return of Spontaneous Circulation PCR M.I.
eArrest.13 - Neurological Outcome PCR M.I.
eArrest.14 - Date/Time of Cardiac Arrest PCR M.I.
eArrest.15 - Date/Time Resuscitation Discontinued PCR M.I.
eArrest.16 - Reason CPR/Resuscitation Discontinued PCR M.I.
eArrest.17 - Cardiac Rhythm on Arrival at Destination PCR M.I.; if set to "Auto", then inferred from the chronologically last PCR E.C.G. record performed after transport began
eArrest.18 - End of EMS Cardiac Arrest Event PCR M.I.
eArrest.19 - Date/Time of Initial CPR PCR M.I.
eHistory - Patient History Information
eHistory.01 - Barriers to Patient Care PCR PMHx barriers list, plus Followup: Reasons for delay on-scene when set to "Physical barrier" or "Language barrier", plus dispatch warnings "Unconscious" or "Restrained", plus the patient's "Bariatric" checkbox
eHistory.02 - Primary Care Physician Name - Last PCR PMHx or Patient Edit, plus any "Authorizing Physician" field from Followup
eHistory.03 - Primary Care Physician Name - First PCR PMHx or Patient Edit, plus any "Authorizing Physician" field from Followup
eHistory.04 - Primary Care Physician Name - Middle PCR PMHx or Patient Edit, plus any "Authorizing Physician" field from Followup
eHistory.05 - Advance Directives PCR PMHx, if set; else automatically inferred from presence of attached DNR-type documents, see chart below
eHistory.06 - Medication Allergies PCR PMHx or Patient Edit "Medical" tab. All RxNorm codes are automatically scraped from the "Allergies" field.
eHistory.07 - Environmental Allergies PCR PMHx; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eHistory.08 - Medical/Surgical History PCR PMHx or Patient Edit "Medical" tab. All ICD-10 codes are automatically scraped from the "Medical history" field
eHistory.09 - Medical History Obtained From PCR PMHx or Patient Edit "Medical" tab.
eHistory.ImmunizationsGroup - Group Tag to hold Immunization type and date
eHistory.10 - The Patient's Type of Immunization PCR PMHx; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eHistory.11 - Immunization Year PCR PMHx
eHistory.CurrentMedsGroup - Group Tag to hold info about patient's medication
eHistory.12 - Current Medications PCR PMHx or Patient Edit "Medical" tab.
eHistory.16 - Presence of Emergency Information Form Automatic: Inferred from presence of an attached document of type "Emergency contacts / Special needs"
eHistory.17 - Alcohol/Drug Use Indicators PCR PMHx and PCR Injury
eHistory.18 - Pregnancy PCR PMHx, or Patient Edit "Medical" tab
eHistory.19 - Last Oral Intake Date/Time PCR PMHx
eNarrative - Call Event Narrative
eNarrative.01 - Patient Care Report Narrative PCR Narrative
eVitals - Patient Vital Sign Information
eVitals.VitalGroup - Group Tag to hold eVitals information
eVitals.01 - Date/Time Vital Signs Taken PCR Vitals
eVitals.02 - Obtained Prior to this Unit's EMS Care Automatic: Inferred from time of patient contact (in Followup)
eVitals.CardiacRhythmGroup - Group Tag to hold information of the type and method used for ECG interpretation associated with the cardiac rhythm. Note: If your linked ECG record has a disposition of "Denied by order," it will not be emitted in eProcedures.
eVitals.03 - Cardiac Rhythm / Electrocardiography (ECG) Linked E.C.G. record, see below for explanation; use "[Not listed]" ECG rhythm for NEMSIS "Other"
eVitals.04 - ECG Type Linked E.C.G. record; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eVitals.05 - Method of ECG Interpretation Linked E.C.G. record
eVitals.BloodPressureGroup - Group Tag to hold the details of patient's blood pressure.
eVitals.06 - SBP (Systolic Blood Pressure) PCR Vitals; NV and PN values are in the Method of Measurement dropdown
eVitals.07 - DBP (Diastolic Blood Pressure) PCR Vitals; NV and PN values are in the Method of Measurement dropdown
eVitals.08 - Method of Blood Pressure Measurement PCR Vitals
eVitals.09 - Mean Arterial Pressure PCR Vitals
eVitals.HeartRateGroup - Group Tag to hold the details of patient's heart rate.
eVitals.10 - Heart Rate PCR Vitals; NV and PN values are in the Method of Measurement dropdown
eVitals.11 - Method of Heart Rate Measurement PCR Vitals
eVitals.12 - Pulse Oximetry PCR Vitals; use "None" for PN = "Exam finding not present"
eVitals.13 - Pulse Rhythm PCR Vitals
eVitals.14 - Respiratory Rate PCR Vitals; NV and PN values are in the Respiratory Effort dropdown
eVitals.15 - Respiratory Effort PCR Vitals
eVitals.16 - End Tidal Carbon Dioxide (ETCO2) PCR Vitals
eVitals.17 - Carbon Monoxide (CO) PCR Vitals
eVitals.18 - Blood Glucose Level PCR Vitals
eVitals.GlasgowScoreGroup - Group Tag to hold the details of patient's glasgow scale
eVitals.19 - Glasgow Coma Score-Eye PCR Vitals
eVitals.20 - Glasgow Coma Score-Verbal PCR Vitals
eVitals.21 - Glasgow Coma Score-Motor PCR Vitals
eVitals.22 - Glasgow Coma Score-Qualifier PCR Vitals
eVitals.23 - Total Glasgow Coma Score Automatic: Calculated from PCR Vitals
eVitals.TemperatureGroup - Group Tag to hold information about patient's body temperature.
eVitals.24 - Temperature PCR Vitals; NV and PN values are in the Measured By dropdown
eVitals.25 - Temperature Method PCR Vitals
eVitals.26 - Level of Responsiveness (AVPU) PCR Vitals
eVitals.PainScaleGroup - Group Tag to hold the scale of patient's pain and the type of pain scale used.
eVitals.27 - Pain Scale Score PCR Vitals
eVitals.28 - Pain Scale Type PCR Vitals
eVitals.StrokeScaleGroup - Group Tag to hold the results of patient's stroke scale and the type of stroke pain scale used.
eVitals.29 - Stroke Scale Score If no stroke screen result is specifically selected in the PCR Vitals record, then AngelTrack will emit the stroke screen result from any linked PCR Assessment record, see below for explanation of stroke screen linkage to PCR Vitals records.
eVitals.30 - Stroke Scale Type If a stroke screen result is specifically selected in the PCR Vitals record, then the accompanying screen type will be emitted; else, if a stroke screen result from any linked PCR Assessment record is available (see below for explanation), then the AngelTrack systemwide stroke screen type -- configured under Preferences -- is sent instead.
eVitals.31 - Reperfusion Checklist Reperfusion checklist accessible under PCR Meds; its result is automatically emitted in the first vitals record, and N/A is emitted in all other vitals records. Each vitals record has a field to override this automatic logic, as necessary.
eVitals.32 - APGAR Score PCR Vitals, but only appears for newborns (based on DOB)
eVitals.33 - Revised Trauma Score Automatic, no override: Calculated from the vital signs, if enough are recorded to perform the calculation.
Note that many testcases accidentally ask for an incorrect or an unweighted RTS score; AngelTrack always sends a properly calculated RTS if it has enough data. If any of the five inputs (GCS, HR, RR) are "Unable to complete," then "Unable to complete" is sent; else, if any are "Patient refused," then "Patient refused" is sent; else, if any are "Not applicable," then "Not applicable" is sent; else, nothing is sent.
For v340 output, AngelTrack sends the weighted RTS, as the NEMSIS spec is ambiguous on this question.
For v350 output, where the NEMSIS spec is clear, AngelTrack always sends the unweighted RTS.
eLabs - Lab Results Information
eLabs.LabGroup - Group Tag to hold Lab information AngelTrack will emit one eLabs.LabGroup for each PCR Documents record of type "Diagnostic image / Lab result", and one for each PCR Labs record which includes a NEMSIS-reportable test type as configured in the Lab Tests List
eLabs.01 - Date/Time of Laboratory or Imaging Result PCR Documents for document type "Diagnostic image / Lab result", or PCR Labs
eLabs.02 - Study/Result Prior to this Unit's EMS Care Automatic, no override: Inferred from the time of patient contact
eLabs.LabResultGroup - Group Tag to hold the type of laboratory value and its result.
eLabs.03 - Laboratory Result Type PCR Documents for document type "Diagnostic image / Lab result", or PCR Labs
eLabs.04 - Laboratory Result PCR Documents for document type "Diagnostic image / Lab result", or PCR Labs
eLabs.LabImageGroup - Group Tag to hold info about imaging study or x-ray.
eLabs.05 - Imaging Study Type PCR Documents for document type "Diagnostic image / Lab result"
eLabs.06 - Imaging Study Results PCR Documents for document type "Diagnostic image / Lab result"
eLabs.WaveformGraphicGroup - Tag to hold information about the imaging study to allow for the upload of the imaging results.
eLabs.07 - Imaging Study File or Waveform Graphic Type Automatic, no override: Will almost always be "image/jpeg"
eLabs.08 - Imaging Study File or Waveform Graphic Automatic
eExam - Patient Exam Information
eExam.01 - Estimated Body Weight in Kilograms PCR Patient or Patient Edit
eExam.02 - Length Based Tape Measure PCR Assessment, but only for young patients
eExam.AssessmentGroup - Group Tag to hold assessment information Note that the PCR Assessment body map is capable of recording the various "Not done" findings, as well as "Absent" findings which are emitted in the NEMSIS output as "Exam Finding Not Present"
eExam.03 - Date/Time of Assessment PCR Assessment time slider
eExam.04 - Skin Assessment PCR Assessment body map
eExam.05 - Head Assessment PCR Assessment body map
eExam.06 - Face Assessment PCR Assessment body map
eExam.07 - Neck Assessment PCR Assessment body map
eExam.08 - Chest/Lungs Assessment PCR Assessment body map
eExam.09 - Heart Assessment PCR Assessment body map
eExam.AbdomenGroup - Group Tag to hold abdomen assessment findings information
eExam.10 - Abdominal Assessment Finding Location PCR Assessment body map
eExam.11 - Abdomen Assessment PCR Assessment body map
eExam.12 - Pelvis/Genitourinary Assessment PCR Assessment body map
eExam.SpineGroup - Group Tag to hold spine assessment findings information
eExam.13 - Back and Spine Assessment Finding Location PCR Assessment body map
eExam.14 - Back and Spine Assessment PCR Assessment body map
eExam.ExtremityGroup - Group Tag to hold extremity assessment findings information
eExam.15 - Extremities Assessment Finding Location PCR Assessment body map
eExam.16 - Extremities Assessment PCR Assessment body map
eExam.EyeGroup - Group Tag to hold eye assessment findings information
eExam.17 - Eye Assessment Finding Location PCR Assessment body map
eExam.18 - Eye Assessment PCR Assessment body map
eExam.19 - Mental Status Assessment PCR Assessment
eExam.20 - Neurological Assessment PCR Assessment body map
eExam.21 - Stroke/CVA Symptoms Resolved PCR Assessment stroke screen popover; this value is taken from all completed screens (there can be one per assessment), newest first
eProtocols - Medical Protocols Information
eProtocols.ProtocolGroup - Group Tag to hold eProtocol information
eProtocols.01 - Protocols Used Automatic, drawn from the protocol dropdowns for all PCR procedure records, wherever the "Authorization" is "Protocol / Standing order". To force additional protocols into the PCR without having enough procedures or meds to specify them, add a new procedure of type "[Not listed - see narrative]", specify the additional protocol, and add a note explaining why. Unlisted procedure types are not reported in eProcedures, so the additional record will not be reported in NEMSIS.
eProtocols.02 - Protocol Age Category All PCR procedure records' protocol age fields, wherever the "Authorization" is "Protocol / Standing order"
eMedications - Intervention Medications Information
eMedications.MedicationGroup - Group Tag to hold eMedication information
eMedications.01 - Date/Time Medication Administered PCR Meds; datetime can be cleared for "[Not recorded]", which will be emitted as "[Not applicable]" if the disposition is not "Given"
eMedications.02 - Medication Administered Prior to this Unit's EMS Care Automatic: Inferred from time of patient contact in Followup; will be "[Not applicable]" if "Time performed" is "[Not recorded]"
eMedications.03 - Medication Given PCR Meds, list is populated from Medications List
eMedications.04 - Medication Administered Route PCR Meds; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eMedications.DosageGroup - Group Tag to hold info about the medication dosage given to the patient
eMedications.05 - Medication Dosage PCR Meds; if left blank, will be emitted as "[Not recorded]" if the disposition is "Given", else "[Not applicable]"
eMedications.06 - Medication Dosage Units PCR Meds; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eMedications.07 - Response to Medication PCR Meds
eMedications.08 - Medication Complication PCR Meds
eMedications.09 - Medication Crew (Healthcare Professionals) ID Automatic: Inferred from crew certificates on file for the date of service and for the state in which the trip originates, else "[Not applicable]" if not given by crew; if the trip originates out-of-state, you can add a "Wheelchair transport" certificate to your crew members in order to specify their ID number in that state
eMedications.10 - Role/Type of Person Administering Medication PCR Meds; if by crew, then automatically inferred from crew certificates on file for the date of service; the associated EMS patch levels are converted to their 2009 equivalents
eProcedures - Intervention Procedures Information All procedures from across the PCR will be listed here, except vital signs, per the NEMSIS spec. AngelTrack is not permitted to match a testcase that disallows any procedures from being included in this section. Also note: AngelTrack allows procedures to be listed in a PCR Airway record, without full details for each, according to the chaos of an airway intervention. If filling in a certification testcase that asks full details for each procedure, then list the other procedures under PCR Procedure, and use the PCR Airway record just for the intubation, the device type, and the confirmations.
eProcedures.ProcedureGroup - Group Tag to hold eProcedures information
eProcedures.01 - Date/Time Procedure Performed Drawn from the relevant PCR procedure record (IV, Airway, Procedure, Assessment, ECG)
eProcedures.02 - Procedure Performed Prior to this Unit's EMS Care Automatic: Inferred from the time of patient contact in Followup; will be "[Not applicable]" if "Time performed" is "[Not recorded]"
eProcedures.03 - Procedure Drawn from the relevant PCR procedure record (IV, Airway, Meds, Procedure), list of SNOMED codes is populated from Procedures List
eProcedures.04 - Size of Procedure Equipment PCR I.V.
eProcedures.05 - Number of Procedure Attempts For PCR I.V. or PCR Procedure records, the "Attempts" field is reported, or "[Not recorded]" when blank; for other procedures like Assessments and Medications, "1" is sent.
eProcedures.06 - Procedure Successful PCR I.V., PCR Procedure, or PCR Airway, else "Yes"
eProcedures.07 - Procedure Complication PCR I.V., PCR Procedure, or PCR Airway
eProcedures.08 - Response to Procedure PCR I.V., PCR Procedure, or PCR Airway, else "Unchanged"
eProcedures.09 - Procedure Crew Members ID Automatic: Inferred from crew certificates on file for the date of service and for the state in which the trip originates, else "[Not applicable]" if not given by crew; if the trip originates out-of-state, you can add a "Wheelchair transport" certificate to your crew members in order to specify their ID number in that state
eProcedures.10 - Role/Type of Person Performing the Procedure Drawn from the relevant PCR procedure record (IV, Airway, Procedure, ECG, Assessment); if by crew, then automatically inferred from crew certificates on file for the date of service; the associated EMS patch levels are converted to their 2009 equivalents
eProcedures.11 - Procedure Authorization Drawn from the relevant PCR procedure record (IV, Airway, Procedure, ECG)
eProcedures.12 - Authorizing Physician Name Drawn from the relevant PCR procedure record (IV, Airway, Procedure, ECG)
eProcedures.13 - Vascular Access Location PCR I.V.
eAirway - Airway Device Information
eAirway.AirwayGroup - Group Tag to hold Airway information AngelTrack will emit this group only if at least one PCR Airway or PCR Procedure record specifies an intubation procedure.
eAirway.01 - Indications for Invasive Airway Taken from the first PCR Airway that either a) specifies an intubation or b) occurs after the first PCR Procedure record that spcifies an intubation; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eAirway.ConfirmationGroup - Group Tag to hold info about the confirmation methods. AngelTrack will emit one of these ConfirmationGroup elements for each PCR Airway record that specifies a device being confirmed or at least one confirmation, and which occurs after the time of first intubation as drawn from PCR Procedure and PCR Airway records.
eAirway.02 - Date/Time Airway Device Placement Confirmation PCR Airway
eAirway.03 - Airway Device Being Confirmed PCR Airway
eAirway.04 - Airway Device Placement Confirmed Method PCR Airway
eAirway.05 - Tube Depth PCR Airway
eAirway.06 - Type of Individual Confirming Airway Device Placement Automatic: Inferred by comparing the PCR Airway performing crew member of the confirmation record versus the performing crew member of the earlier intubation record
eAirway.07 - Crew Member ID Automatic: Inferred from crew certificates on file for the date of service and for the state in which the trip originates; if the trip originates out-of-state, you can add a "Wheelchair transport" certificate to your crew members in order to specify their ID number in that state
eAirway.08 - Airway Complications Encountered All complications are reported from all PCR Airway records occurring on or after the time of first intubation, as drawn from PCR Procedure and PCR Airway records. Use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other".
eAirway.09 - Airway Failure Reason All failure reasons are reported from all PCR Airway records occurring on or after the time of first intubation, as drawn from PCR Procedure and PCR Airway records. Use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other". Note that the failure-reasons UI does not appear unless you mark the invasive-airway outcome as "Unsuccessrful / Abandoned".
eAirway.10 - Date/Time Decision to Manage the Patient with an Invasive Airway Taken from the first PCR Airway record occurring on or after the time of first intubation, as drawn from PCR Procedure and PCR Airway records.
eAirway.11 - Date/Time Invasive Airway Placement Attempts Abandoned Taken from the first PCR Airway record occurring on or after the time of first intubation, as drawn from PCR Procedure and PCR Airway records. It is calculated from the "Length of attempt" slider, but emitted only if the airway attempt failed.
eDevice - Medical Device Information This section will automatically include a record for each PCR E.C.G. that is marked as 'Disposition = Completed' and which has either a cardiac rhythm, or a strip image, or shocks given.
It will also include any ECG-device events that were received from an external source and stored in the ECG-device-events table, which is displayed at the bottom of every PCR E.C.G. page. Note that this table can be populated manually, in SQL, in order to match a test-case.
eDevice.DeviceGroup - Group Tag to hold Device Information
eDevice.01 - Medical Device Serial Number PCR E.C.G. linked device, list of devices is populated from Devices List
eDevice.02 - Date/Time of Event (per Medical Device) PCR E.C.G.
eDevice.03 - Medical Device Event Type Automatic: Inferred from PCR E.C.G., will be "12-Lead ECG", "ECG-Monitor", and/or "Defibrillation"
eDevice.WaveformGroup - Group Tag to hold info about Wave type
eDevice.04 - Medical Device Waveform Graphic Type Automatic, no override: Always "image/jpeg"
eDevice.05 - Medical Device Waveform Graphic PCR E.C.G. attached strip image
eDevice.06 - Medical Device Mode (Manual, AED, Pacing, CO2, O2, etc) PCR E.C.G.
eDevice.07 - Medical Device ECG Lead PCR E.C.G.
eDevice.08 - Medical Device ECG Interpretation PCR E.C.G.
eDevice.ShockGroup - Group Tag to hold shock information Note: An ECG record in AngelTrack can document a shock without also recording an ECG.
eDevice.09 - Type of Shock PCR E.C.G.
eDevice.10 - Shock or Pacing Energy PCR E.C.G.
eDevice.11 - Total Number of Shocks Delivered PCR E.C.G.
eDisposition - Patient Disposition Information
eDisposition.DestinationGroup - Group Tag to hold info about the Destination and the Disposition details
eDisposition.01 - Destination/Transferred To, Name Facility Edit of facility attached as destination, else Dispatch Edit
eDisposition.02 - Destination/Transferred To, Code Facility Edit of facility attached as destination. If no code is set, AngelTrack may infer a state-specific "generic" code based on the facility type; to override this and force "[Not recorded]", specify "0" as the facility's code.
eDisposition.03 - Destination Street Address Facility Edit of facility attached as destination, else Dispatch Edit; if using a facility record and yet still wanting a [Not recorded] in this field, type "Unknown" into the facility record's street address field.
eDisposition.04 - Destination City Facility Edit of facility attached as destination, else Dispatch Edit; see note below about matching the city in a testcase
eDisposition.05 - Destination State Facility Edit of facility attached as destination, else Dispatch Edit; for [Not recorded], choose one of the "[Unknown]" options in the state dropdownlist
eDisposition.06 - Destination County Facility Edit of facility attached as destination, else Dispatch Edit
eDisposition.07 - Destination ZIP Code Facility Edit of facility attached as destination, else Dispatch Edit
eDisposition.08 - Destination Country Automatic: Inferred from state of Facility Edit of facility attached as destination, else from destination state of Dispatch Edit
eDisposition.09 - Destination GPS Location GPS position captured from crew mobile device when they clicked "At Destination", if any, else Facility Edit of facility record attached as destination
eDisposition.10 - Destination Location US National Grid Coordinates Facility Edit of facility attached as destination
eDisposition.11 - Number of Patients Transported in this EMS Unit Automatic, no override: Tallied from the shift's other simultaneous transports, as AngelTrack requires a separate dispatch record for each patient contacted.
eDisposition.12 - Incident/Patient Disposition (not in NEMSIS v3.5) Followup
eDisposition.IncidentDispositionGroup - Group Tag to hold info about the Disposition details
eDisposition.27 - Unit Disposition Followup: Disposition group or QA Review: Disposition group
eDisposition.28 - Patient Evaluation/Care Followup: Disposition group or QA Review: Disposition group
eDisposition.29 - Crew Disposition Followup: Disposition group or QA Review: Disposition group
eDisposition.30 - Transport Disposition Followup: Disposition group or QA Review: Disposition group
eDisposition.31 - Reason for Refusal/Release Followup: Disposition group or QA Review: Disposition group; the value "Against Medical Advice" will be sent automatically if an AMA signature is collected
eDisposition.13 - How Patient Was Moved to Ambulance Followup; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eDisposition.14 - Position of Patient During Transport Followup; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"; automatically omitted from XML for no-transport calls
eDisposition.15 - How Patient Was Transported From Ambulance Followup; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"; automatically omitted from XML for no-transport calls
eDisposition.16 - EMS Transport Method Automatic: Inferred from the shift's vehicle type, in Vehicle Edit; automatically set to [Not applicable] for no-transport calls
eDisposition.17 - Transport Mode from Scene Followup; automatically set to [Not applicable] for no-transport calls
eDisposition.18 - Additional Transport Mode Descriptors Followup; automatically set to [Not applicable] for no-transport calls. If you wish for AngelTrack to emit N/A or N/R in this field, then all three transport-mode detail fields (speed, intersections, sirens) must be set to N/A or N/R, respectively.
eDisposition.19 - Final Patient Acuity Followup
eDisposition.20 - Reason for Choosing Destination Followup; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other". The UI will hide this field for a no-transport call, but you can change the Transport Disposition to unhide the field, set the field, then change the Transport Disposition back to re-hide it, and AngelTrack will emit your answer in the output XML.
eDisposition.21 - Type of Destination Facility Edit of facility attached as destination, else Followup; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eDisposition.22 - Hospital In-Patient Destination Followup; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"; automatically set to [Not applicable] for no-transport calls
eDisposition.23 - Hospital Capability Followup; automatically set to [Not applicable] for no-transport calls
eDisposition.HospitalTeamActivationGroup - Group Tag to hold info about the destination team pre-arrival activation
eDisposition.24 - Destination Team Pre-Arrival Alert or Activation Followup
eDisposition.25 - Date/Time of Destination Prearrival Alert or Activation Followup
eDisposition.26 - Disposition Instructions Provided Followup; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eDisposition.32 - Level of Care Provided Per Protocol QA Review
eOutcome - Patient Outcome Information
eOutcome.01 - Emergency Department Disposition PCR Hospital, if that form has been saved in the PCR; else "[Not recorded]" if the Followup type of destination is "Hospital - Emergency room", and "[Not applicable]" if it is not
eOutcome.02 - Hospital Disposition PCR Hospital, if that form has been saved in the PCR; else "[Not recorded]" if the Followup type of destination is "Hospital - Non-emergency", and "[Not applicable]" if it is not
eOutcome.ExternalDataGroup - Group Tag to hold information about external report or record
eOutcome.03 - External Report ID/Number Type PCR Hospital
eOutcome.04 - External Report ID/Number PCR Hospital
eOutcome.05 - Other Report Registry Type PCR Hospital
eOutcome.06 - Emergency Department Chief Complaint (not in NEMSIS v3.5) PCR Hospital
eOutcome.07 - First ED Systolic Blood Pressure (not in NEMSIS v3.5) PCR Hospital
eOutcome.08 - Emergency Department Recorded Cause of Injury (not in NEMSIS v3.5) PCR Hospital
eOutcome.EmergencyDepartmentProceduresGroup - Group Tag to hold information about emergency department procedures
eOutcome.09 - Emergency Department Procedures PCR Hospital; if left blank then "[Not recorded]" whenever the Followup type of destination is "Hospital - Emergency room", or else "[Not applicable]"
eOutcome.19 - Date/Time Emergency Department Procedure Performed PCR Hospital; if left blank then "[Not recorded]" whenever the Followup type of destination is "Hospital - Emergency room", or else "[Not applicable]"
eOutcome.10 - Emergency Department Diagnosis PCR Hospital; if left blank then "[Not recorded]" whenever the Followup type of destination is "Hospital - Emergency room", or else "[Not applicable]"
eOutcome.11 - Date/Time of Hospital Admission PCR Hospital; if left blank then "[Not recorded]" whenever the Followup type of destination is "Hospital - Non-emergency", or else "[Not applicable]"
eOutcome.HospitalProceduresGroup - Group Tag to hold information about hospital procedures
eOutcome.12 - Hospital Procedures PCR Hospital; if left blank then "[Not recorded]" whenever the Followup type of destination is "Hospital - Non-emergency", or else "[Not applicable]"
eOutcome.20 - Date/Time Hospital Procedure Performed PCR Hospital; if left blank then "[Not recorded]" whenever the Followup type of destination is "Hospital - Non-emergency", or else "[Not applicable]"
eOutcome.13 - Hospital Diagnosis PCR Hospital; if left blank then "[Not recorded]" whenever the Followup type of destination is "Hospital - Non-emergency", or else "[Not applicable]"
eOutcome.14 - Total ICU Length of Stay (not in NEMSIS v3.5) PCR Hospital
eOutcome.15 - Total Ventilator Days (not in NEMSIS v3.5) PCR Hospital
eOutcome.16 - Date/Time of Hospital Discharge PCR Hospital; if left blank then "[Not recorded]" whenever the Followup type of destination is "Hospital - Non-emergency", or else "[Not applicable]"
eOutcome.17 - Outcome at Hospital Discharge (not in NEMSIS v3.5) PCR Hospital
eOutcome.18 - ER Admission Time PCR Hospital; if left blank then "[Not recorded]" whenever the Followup type of destination is "Hospital - Emergency room", or else "[Not applicable]"
eCustomResults must contain the custom data elements required by the test cases. It may also contain additional custom data elements.
eCustomResults - Custom Data Elements Results
eCustomResults.ResultsGroup - Group Tag to hold custom results
eCustomResults.01 - Custom Data Element Result [AngelTrack's state custom implementation, varies by state]
eCustomResults.02 - Custom Element ID Referenced [AngelTrack's state custom implementation, varies by state]
eCustomResults.03 - CorrelationID of PatientCareReport Element or Group [AngelTrack's state custom implementation, varies by state]
eOther - Other Miscellaneous Information
eOther.01 - Review Requested "Yes" if the dispatch has gone, or will go, to QA Review
eOther.02 - Potential System of Care/Specialty/Registry Patient QA Review
eOther.EMSCrewMemberGroup - Group Tag to hold info about the EMS Crew Member
eOther.03 - Personal Protective Equipment Used PCR P.P.E.
eOther.04 - EMS Professional (Crew Member) ID Automatic: Certificate number of the highest unexpired EMS cert on file for the date of service
eOther.05 - Suspected EMS Work Related Exposure, Injury, or Death "Yes" if any incident records (Incident Edit) attached to the dispatch indicate a crew injury, else "No". This field is always applicable, but a poorly-written test-case may demand "[Not recorded]" or "[Not applicable]" here, in which case, specify that NV in the "Crew injury" field of an incident record attached to the dispatch and indicating the relevant crew member(s).
eOther.06 - The Type of Work-Related Injury, Death or Suspected Exposure Incident Edit "Crew injury" field of any incident records attached to the dispatch, else "None"; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other".
eOther.07 - Natural, Suspected, Intentional, or Unintentional Disaster PCR Injury mass-casualty suspected cause
eOther.08 - Crew Member Completing this Report Automatic: Certificate number of the highest unexpired EMS cert on file for the crew member who sent the report to QA, if that employee is in the crew list; else, the attending crew member (set the attending under Followup)
eOther.FileGroup - Group Tag to hold document types, file information and other information.
eOther.09 - External Electronic Document Type Automatic, no override: Inferred from AngelTrack document type, see chart below
eOther.10 - File Attachment Type Automatic, no override: Taken from the file extension of the uploaded document; usually "image/jpeg"
eOther.11 - File Attachment Image Automatic
eOther.SignatureGroup - Group Tag to hold signature details
eOther.12 - Type of Person Signing PCR Signatures "Signed by" field
eOther.13 - Signature Reason Automatic, no override: Inferred from PCR Signatures type, see chart below; override in Document Templates
eOther.14 - Type Of Patient Representative PCR Signatures "Relation to patient" field; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
eOther.15 - Signature Status PCR Signatures "Reason not signed" field, if set; else, "Signed"/"Signed by Patient" are inferred automatically from eOther.12 and eOther.14
eOther.16 - Signature File Names Automatic, no override
eOther.17 - Signature File Type Automatic, no override: Always "image/png"
eOther.18 - Signature Graphic Automatic
eOther.20 - Signature Last Name PCR Signatures
eOther.21 - Signature First Name PCR Signatures

ePayment.01: Primary Method of Payment

AngelTrack automatically calculates ePayment.01 from the dispatch's billing settings, because we cannot ask the crews (via the PCR) how a trip is to be billed, lest we get inaccurate answers.

This calculation takes account of all of the bill-to settings (in the "Billing" tab of Dispatch Edit), plus the patient's insurance information (in PCR Billing or in the "Billing" tab of Patient Edit), plus the contract settings in whichever facility is designated in the bill-to settings. Here is how the field is calculated, in order of evaluation:

NEMSIS Code When Sent by AngelTrack
2601007 : Not billed (for any reason) When the ☑ Billable checkbox is unticked.
2601001 : Insurance When ☑ Billable is ticked, and ☑ Bill insurance is ticked, and the patient's primary insurance is "[Not recorded]" or "Private".
2601003 : Medicaid When ☑ Billable is ticked, and ☑ Bill insurance is ticked, and the patient's primary insurance is "Medicaid".
2601005 : Medicare When ☑ Billable is ticked, and ☑ Bill insurance is ticked, and the patient's primary insurance is "Medicare".
2601009 : Other government When ☑ Billable is ticked, and ☑ Bill insurance is ticked, and the patient's primary insurance is "Other government".
2601013 : Workers compensation When ☑ Billable is ticked, and ☑ Bill insurance is ticked, and the patient's primary insurance is "Workers compensation".
2601013 : No insurance identified When ☑ Billable is ticked, and ☑ Bill insurance is ticked, and the patient's primary insurance is "None".
2601017 : Contracted payment When ☑ Billable is ticked, and ☑ Bill insurance is NOT ticked, and either of the following are true:
  • ☑ Bill facility is ticked, and the designated facility's ☑ Contracted checkbox is ticked; or
  • ☑ Bill facility is NOT ticked, and ☑ Bill affiliate is ticked.
2601015 : Payment by facility When ☑ Billable is ticked, and ☑ Bill insurance is NOT ticked, and ☑ Bill facility is ticked, and the designated facility's ☑ Contracted checkbox is NOT ticked.
2601011 : Self pay When ☑ Billable is ticked, and ☑ Bill insurance is NOT ticked, and ☑ Bill facility is NOT ticked, and ☑ Bill affiliate is NOT ticked, and ☑ Bill patient is ticked.
2601023 : Other payment option When ☑ Billable is ticked, and ☑ Cash up front is ticked.
2601019 : Community network When ☑ Billable is ticked, and ☑ Bill insurance is NOT ticked, and ☑ Bill facility is NOT ticked, and ☑ Bill affiliate is NOT ticked, and ☑ Bill patient is NOT ticked, and both the red and yellow billing exception flags (on the "Billing" tab of Dispatch Edit) are raised.
[Not applicable] When ☑ Billable is ticked, and ☑ Bill insurance is NOT ticked, and ☑ Bill facility is NOT ticked, and ☑ Bill affiliate is NOT ticked, and ☑ Bill patient is NOT ticked, and one or both billing exception flags are lowered.

ePayment.52: CMS Transportation Indicator

The values for this NEMSIS field are stored in the "Claim notes" datafield on the Coding page, separated by commas, like this: "C1,C2,D4". Here are the choices:

C1Interfacility Transport (Requires Higher level of care)
C2Interfacility Transport (service not available)
C3Emergency Trauma Dispatch Condition Code (Major Incident or Mechanism of Injury)
C4Medically Necessary Transport (Facility on Divert or Services Unavailable)
C5BLS Transport of ALS Patient (ALS not available)
C6ALS Response (Based on Dispatch Info) to BLS Patient (Condition)
C7IV Medications required en route (ALS)
D1Long Distance-patient's condition requires rapid transportation over a long distance
D2Rare Circumstances, Traffic Patterns Precludes Ground Transport
D3Time to the closest appropriate hospital due to the patient's condition precludes ground transport; maximize clinical benefits
D4Pick up Point not Accessible by Ground Transport

Linked ECG Records

Because AngelTrack stores ECG records separate from vital signs, the records must be merged when emitting an eVitals group, which includes both.

Each PCR Vitals record in AngelTrack will therefore link itself to a PCR E.C.G. record by matching the times performd. The link will choose the ECG record closest to it in time, but not more than four minutes away.

This linkage will be indicated by a small blue hyperlink in the PCR Vitals page.

Linked Stroke Screens

Because AngelTrack stores stroke screen results with its assessments, rather than with vital signs, the records must be merged when emitting an eVitals group, which includes both.

Each stroke screen record in AngelTrack will therefore link itself to the PCR Vitals record closest to it in time, according to the time the vitals were taken versus the time of the PCR Assessment record in which the stroke screen is saved.

This linkage will be indicated by a small blue hyperlink in the PCR Vitals page. It can be overridden in the PCR Vitals record as necessary.

When NOT overridden in the PCR Vitals record, AngelTrack's stroke screen result follows certain rules. The screen automatically opens (in the PCR Assessment page) if any stroke-related exam finding or primary impression is noted, so if the screen was never opened, AngelTrack emits "Not applicable" as the result. If the screen was opened but no findings are noted, AngelTrack emits "Not recorded". If some findings are noted, but not the complete screen, AngelTrack emits "Unable to complete".

Advanced Directives Cross-Reference (eHistory.05)

AngelTrack's document types map to the NEMSIS advanced directive type codes like this:

NEMSIS Code When Sent by AngelTrack
3105001 : Family/Guardian request DNR (but no documentation) When the ☑ DNR flag in the patient record is ticked, but no DNR documents are attached in AngelTrack
3105003 : Living Will When a document of type "Advanced directive (no DNR)" is attached
3105005 : None When the ☑ DNR flag in the patient record is NOT ticked, and no DNR- or AD-type documents are attached in AngelTrack
3105007 : Other When a document of type "Advanced directive (other)" is attached
3105009 : Other Healthcare Advanced Directive Form When a document of type "Advanced directive (POLST)" is attached
3105011 : State EMS DNR or Medical Order Form When a document of type "DNR" or "DNR with advanced directive" is attached

Resuscitation Attempted By EMS (eArrest.03)

AngelTrack infers eArrest.03 by looking at the PCR Procedure and PCR E.C.G. records that document CPR interventions by the crew, as follows:

NEMSIS Code When Sent by AngelTrack
3003001 : Attempted Defibrillation Any PCR Procedure of type 'Defibrillation - external ventricular' (426220008)
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Defibrillation - AED' (233169004)
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Defibrillation - monophasic' (429500007)
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Defibrillation - biphasic' (428909008)
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Defibrillation - direct current' (308842001)
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Defibrillation - direct current atrial' (438558008)
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Defibrillation - direct current ventricular' (439868004)
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Defibrillation - AED' (450661000124102)
Any PCR E.C.G. that includes a shock count and pacing rate
3003003 : Attempted Ventilation Any PCR Procedure of type 'Bagged ventilations via mask' (425447009)
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Bagged ventilations via tube' (243140006)
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Mouth-to-mask/mouth ventilation' (243180002)
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Mouth-to-mouth ventilation with airway' (243182005)
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Mouth-to-nose ventilation' (243183000)
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Mouth-to-nose ventilation' (37113006)
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Impedance threshold device' (441893003)
3003005 : Initiated Chest Compressions Any PCR Procedure of type 'Manual compressions' (89666000) where a compression type is specified
Any PCR Procedure of type 'Mechanical compressions' (429283006) likewise

Document Types Cross-Reference (eOther.09)

AngelTrack's document types map to the NEMSIS document type codes like this:

AngelTrack Document Type NEMSIS Code Sent
Physician Certification Statement (PCS) 4509003: Billing Information
Face sheet 4509017: Patient Identification
Prior Authorization Number (PAN) 4509003: Billing Information
Past medical history (PMHx) 4509013: Other Healthcare Record
Authorization and transfer signatures 4509013: Other Healthcare Record
Telemedicine consult 4509015: Other
Against Medical Advice (AMA) 4509019: Patient Refusal Sheet
Physical / Progress 4509013: Other Healthcare Record
Medication list 4509013: Other Healthcare Record
DNR, standard form 4509006: DNR
DNR revocation 4509008: Living Will
DNR, advanced directive 4509006: DNR
Advanced directive without DNR 4509011: Guardianship/Power of Attorney
Insurance cards 4509003: Billing Information
Diagnostic image / Lab result 4509009: ECG / lab result, when a lab result type is specified,
4509005: Diagnostic Image (CT, X-ray, US, etc.) otherwise
ICE / EIF 4509013: Other Healthcare Record
Medicaid Prior Authorization Number (McPAN) 4509003: Billing Information
POLST 4509008: Living Will
Advanced directive (other) 4509008: Living Will
Video / Movie 4509025: Video / Movie
ePCR NEMSIS data 4509027: ePCR
Other (see comments) 4509021: Other Picture/Graphic

Take note of AngelTrack's NEMSIS document setting (under Preferences), which controls what documents are included in a NEMSIS upload.

Signature Reason Cross-Reference (eOther.13)

AngelTrack's signature forms map to the NEMSIS signature reason codes according to the table below. The values shown are the default settings; each signature type can be edited (in Document Templates) to change which NEMSIS reason codes it maps to.

There are also two user-configurable signature forms, which can be enabled (in Document Templates) to meet any test case requirement.

AngelTrack Signature Form NEMSIS Codes Sent
Payment authorization 4513005 : Release for Billing
4513003 : Permission to Treat
4513019 : Permission to Transport
4513001 : HIPAA acknowledgement/Release
Payment authorization when patient unable to sign 4513005 : Release for Billing
4513003 : Permission to Treat
4513019 : Permission to Transport
4513001 : HIPAA acknowledgement/Release
4513023 : Other
Payment authorization by guarantor 4513005 : Release for Billing
4513003 : Permission to Treat
Receiving facility 4513007 : Transfer of Patient Care
Receiving facility refusal to sign 4513007 : Transfer of Patient Care
Patient refusal of treatment 4513009 : Refusal of Care
4513019 : Permission to Transport
Patient discharge 4513007 : Transfer of Patient Care
Patient discharge Against Medical Advice 4513009 : Refusal of Care
4513021 : Refusal of transport
Receipt for patient belongings 4513017 : Patient Belongings (Receipt)
Non-covered destination 4513005 : Release for Billing
Narcotics used witness verification 4513011 : Controlled Substance, Administered
Narcotics wasted witness verification 4513013 : Controlled Substance, Waste
Telemedicine consult 4513003 : Permission to Treat
Other (user-configurable) 4513023 : Other

Entering a PCR Testcase

When you enter a PCR testcase, you will not have a real live ambulance and crew to run the call for you, so there are extra steps you must take in order to supply the data that AngelTrack would've otherwise automatically gathered from the crew's mobile device.

Here are the steps you must take in order to provide that data. Do not perform these steps until you have first completed and verified all the DEM data, because the DEM data (vehicles, facilities, stations, crew members) will be used in the testcase trips.

  1. Create a new shift record, composed of the specified vehicle and crew members. You will create a new shift record for each testcase trip, even those run by the very same vehicle and crew, because the shift record contributes many datafields to the NEMSIS XML output and these will not necessarily be the same across testcases.
  2. At any time, you can edit the shift record in order to configure the additional fields that it contributes to the NEMSIS XML output; some of these fields are obscure and so are not presented to you when first creating the shift record.
  3. Create a new dispatch record, and as you do so, be sure to:
    1. Attach an existing facility record, or create a new facility record, for both the origin and the destination. Facility records are needed because they contribute datafields to the NEMSIS output, including USNG coordinate, census tract, and (if not available from the crew) the GPS latitude and longitude.
    2. Create a new patient record, even if the testcase specifies the same person as a prior testcase, because some of the patient data may differ across testcases if they are poorly written.
    3. Configure the dispatch to activate "Now", not later.
    4. Book it as a one-way trip, even if the testcases include a round-trip; this will permit you to have separate patient records for each leg of a round-trip.
  4. The new dispatch will appear on the "Unassigned" dispatch board. Assign it to the shift you created.
  5. The new dispatch will move to the "Assigned" dispatch board. Use the ambulance-shaped "advance" button to push the trip all the way to finished and closed.
  6. End the shift record you created.
  7. The new dispatch will now be viewable from the Closed Dispatches grid. Find it there and click "Followup…" to view its followup data.
  8. Find the online help document Retroactive Editing and Booking, and follow its instructions for editing all the times in the dispatch's followup data. Do not visit the PCR until you've corrected all of the times, as the PCR depends on these to constrain its user input.
  9. Enter the PCR by clicking the "PCR…" link from the Closed Dispatches grid, or from the "PCR…" link from the trips's Dispatch Edit page (use the ALT+G "Genie" feature to pull it up from anywhere in AngelTrack). You can now enter all other data from the testcase.
  10. The testcase will ask for a peculiar run ID in the fields eResponse.03 and/or eResponse.04. Your AngelTrack dispatch IDs will be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., and so will not match this field. AngelTrack handles this via an XML fixup in Sandboxes.EMS.1.xsl, automatically changing the 1, 2, 3 / D1S1, D2S2, D3S3 values into the values required by the test-case to match the comparison data in the NEMSIS server. You will see the results of this fixup in the NEMSIS workbench; if the results are incorrect, then update the Sandboxes.EMS.1.xsl document.
  11. Because the trip was not performed by an actual crew in an actual vehicle, it will be missing its GPS coordinates. When such are missing, AngelTrack will instead use the GPS coordinates from the crew's posting station (for their position enroute) and from the origin facility record (for their position on-scene) and from the destination facility record (for their position at destination). If there is now way to match those to the GPS coords required for the station and facilities in the DEM testcase, then you can surgically alter the coordinates in SQL in the dbo.DispatchExecution table, or you can patch them up via the Sandboxes.EMS.1.xsl transform.
  12. Certain obscure patient-information datafields are only accessible from the Patient Edit page. You can find the patient record under the Patients List, or you can use the direct link to it from the "Patient" tab of the Dispatch Edit page.
  13. Likewise, certain billing-information datafields are only accessible from the relevant Coding and QA Review pages. There are direct links to both on the "Billing" tab of the Dispatch Edit page.

Note: The Sandboxes.EMS.1.xsl transform can perform other fixups as needed to work around paradoxes and errors in your testcases. That XSL transform automatically runs for every dispatch in any AngelTrack sandbox server. It runs during XML generation, so you will only see its effects in the NEMSIS Workbench.

Be sure you visit Settings | Preferences, and configure AngelTrack to upload all trips, not just those where transport occurred, and tell it to include only those documents which are attached directly to the dispatch.

Uploading Testcases for Certification

The NEMSIS TAC uploader credentials are listed (in State Upload Status) as trauma registries for the state of Utah. You can change this state to whichever state your test-cases originate in. You can also add a duplicate NEMSIS TAC credential if one or more of your test-cases originate in a second state.

AngelTrack will upload a DEM when a credential is first configured and activated. AngelTrack will then reupload the DEM whenever the underlying data changes -- but not more often than once per 24-hour period. To force a premature DEM reupload, edit the trauma registry credential, check the box to force a DEM reupload, and then save.

If you get a "Permission denied to organization" during uploaded, it probably expects to see "AngelTrack" in the SOAP header, which you can accomplish by changing your agency's name to "AngelTrack" and then asking the test proctor to ignore that when it appears in your DEM data field dAgency.03. If you must set the test-case agency name in dAgency.03 then do so using the Sandboxes.DEM.1.xsl transform.

City Code Matching in Testcases

If you can't get your city codes to match a testcase, there are two possible reasons why.

ePatient.06, eScene.17, eDisposition.04

In these three fields, the problem is: the GNIS national database contains two different GNIS codes for every town and city:

Name GNIS Type GNIS Code
Houston Populated place 1380948
City of Houston Civil 2410796

When NEMSIS TAC creates a testcase, they will enter "Houston" as the city, but what they actually mean is "City of Houston", i.e. they are wanting the "Civil" record rather than the "Populated place" record. Thus if you input the city as "Houston", it won't match the testcase.

Therefore if you see a mismatch in a city code, try inputting the city as "City of XXXXX", rather than "XXXXX".

ePayment.13, ePayment.27, ePayment.35

The city fields in ePayment allow a GNIS code or a plaintext city name, but AngelTrack always emits GNIS codes in these fields for the sake of downstream billing software.

NEMSIS TAC usually writes their testcases to expect a plaintext city name, so AngelTrack will never be able to match such testcases.

DEM Data Crosswalk

Element Source in AngelTrack
DEMDataSet - Root Tag For Demographic DataSet
dCustomConfiguration - Contains information for demographic custom elements.
dCustomConfiguration.CustomGroup - Group Tag to hold custom information Automatically populated with the reporting state's custom XML.
DemographicReport - Container Tag to hold each instance of a demographic record
dAgency - Agency Information
dAgency.01 - EMS Agency Unique State ID Business Identification, can be overridden in a state upload credential
dAgency.02 - EMS Agency Number Business Identification, can be overridden in a state upload credential
dAgency.03 - EMS Agency Name Business Identification
dAgency.04 - EMS Agency State Business Identification
dAgency.AgencyServiceGroup - Group Tag to hold info about the Agency's service information
dAgency.05 - EMS Agency Service Area States Business Identification, but always exactly one state
dAgency.06 - EMS Agency Service Area County(ies) Business Identification "Counties Served" tab
dAgency.07 - EMS Agency Census Tracts Business Identification "Counties Served" tab
dAgency.08 - EMS Agency Service Area ZIP Codes Business Identification "ZIP Codes Served" tab
dAgency.09 - Primary Type of Service Business Identification
dAgency.10 - Other Types of Service Business Identification
dAgency.11 - Level of Service Business Identification "State license levels" fields; note that only the first choice will be emitted in dAgency.11, but you must specify other choices if you want those license levels to be emitted as license-level groups in dMedications and dProcedures
dAgency.12 - Organization Status Business Identification
dAgency.13 - Organizational Type Business Identification
dAgency.14 - EMS Agency Organizational Tax Status Business Identification
dAgency.AgencyYearGroup - Group Tag to hold information about EMS agency annual statistics. The prior two calendar years are always sent
dAgency.15 - Statistical Calendar Year Automatic, no override
dAgency.16 - Total Primary Service Area Size Business Identification "Counties Served" tab; override in "Call Volume" tab
dAgency.17 - Total Service Area Population Business Identification "Counties Served" tab; override in "Call Volume" tab
dAgency.18 - 911 EMS Call Center Volume per Year Automatic, calculated from dispatch records; override in Business Identification "Call Volume" tab
dAgency.19 - EMS Dispatch Volume per Year Automatic, calculated from dispatch records; override in Business Identification "Call Volume" tab
dAgency.20 - EMS Patient Transport Volume per Year Automatic, calculated from dispatch records; override in Business Identification "Call Volume" tab
dAgency.21 - EMS Patient Contact Volume per Year Automatic, calculated from dispatch records; override in Business Identification "Call Volume" tab
dAgency.22 - EMS Billable Calls per Year Automatic, calculated from dispatch records; override in Business Identification "Call Volume" tab
dAgency.23 - EMS Agency Time Zone Business Identification
dAgency.24 - EMS Agency Daylight Savings Time Use Business Identification
dAgency.25 - National Provider Identifier Business Identification "Billing" tab
dAgency.26 - Fire Department ID Number Business Identification
dContact - Contact Information
dContact.ContactInfoGroup - Group tag to hold agency contact information.
dContact.01 - Agency Contact Type Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dContact.02 - Agency Contact Last Name Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dContact.03 - Agency Contact First Name Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dContact.04 - Agency Contact Middle Name/Initial Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dContact.05 - Agency Contact Address Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dContact.06 - Agency Contact City Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab; see note below about matching the city in a testcase
dContact.07 - Agency Contact State Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dContact.08 - Agency Contact ZIP Code Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dContact.09 - Agency Contact Country Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dContact.10 - Agency Contact Phone Number Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dContact.11 - Agency Contact Email Address Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dContact.12 - EMS Agency Contact Web Address Business Identification "Online resources" tab
dContact.EMSMedicalDirectorGroup - Group Tag to hold info about the EMS Medical Director
dContact.13 - Agency Medical Director Degree Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dContact.14 - Agency Medical Director Board Certification Type Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dContact.15 - Medical Director Compensation Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dContact.16 - EMS Medical Director Fellowship Trained Status Business Identification "Medical Contacts" tab
dConfiguration - Configuration Information
dConfiguration.ConfigurationGroup - Group Tag to hold agency Configuration information AngelTrack normally emits only one dConfiguration.ConfigurationGroup, because every copy of AngelTrack is pinned to exactly one state. You can have a second state by visiting the "Adjacent State" tab of the Business Identification page under Settings. Once that is set, the Procedures List, Medications List, the Online Medical Protocol, and Zone Edit will all offer configuration UI for the second state.
dConfiguration.01 - State Associated with the Certification/Licensure Levels Business Identification
dConfiguration.02 - State Certification/Licensure Levels Business Identification
dConfiguration.03 - Procedures Permitted by the State Always [NV = Not Applicable]
dConfiguration.04 - Medications Permitted by the State Always [NV = Not Applicable]
dConfiguration.05 - Protocols Permitted by the State Always [NV = Not Applicable]
dConfiguration.ProcedureGroup - Group Tag to hold info about Procedure information Each patch level in dConfiguration.02 is sent as a dConfiguration.ProcedureGroup.
dConfiguration.06 - EMS Certification Levels Permitted to Perform Each Procedure Procedures List; the associated EMS patch levels are converted to their 2009 equivalents
dConfiguration.07 - EMS Agency Procedures Procedures List
dConfiguration.MedicationGroup - Group Tag to hold info about Medication information Each patch level in dConfiguration.02 is sent as a dConfiguration.MedicationGroup.
dConfiguration.08 - EMS Certification Levels Permitted to Administer Each Medication Medications List; the associated EMS patch levels are converted to their 2009 equivalents
dConfiguration.09 - EMS Agency Medications Medications List
dConfiguration.10 - EMS Agency Protocols Online Medical Protocol
dConfiguration.11 - EMS Agency Specialty Service Capability Business Identification "Capabilities" tab
dConfiguration.12 - Billing Status Business Identification
dConfiguration.13 - Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) Provided to EMS Agency Service Area Business Identification
dConfiguration.14 - EMD Vendor Business Identification, defaults to "AngelTrack LLC"
dConfiguration.15 - Patient Monitoring Capability(ies) Business Identification "Capabilities" tab
dConfiguration.16 - Crew Call Sign All vehicle callsigns (from Vehicles List) are sent; if an adjacent state is configured, then vehicles are sent for whichever state their home station is in, with [float] vehicles sent for both states.
dConfiguration.17 - Dispatch Center (CAD) Name or ID All zone names are sent (from Zones List), but the built-in "Global" zone's name can be overridden in Business Identification. To make a zone show up under the adjacent state, rather than the home state, visit the Zone Edit page and tick the checkbox.
dLocation - Location Information
dLocation.LocationGroup - Group Tag to hold info about Location defined information
dLocation.01 - EMS Location Type Station Edit
dLocation.02 - EMS Location Name Station Edit
dLocation.03 - EMS Location Number Automatic, no override: ID number of station record
dLocation.04 - EMS Location GPS Station Edit
dLocation.05 - EMS Location US National Grid Coordinates Station Edit
dLocation.06 - EMS Location Address Station Edit
dLocation.07 - EMS Location City Station Edit; see note below about matching the city in a testcase
dLocation.08 - EMS Location State Station Edit
dLocation.09 - EMS Station or Location ZIP Code Station Edit
dLocation.10 - EMS Location County Station Edit
dLocation.11 - EMS Location Country Automatic, no override: Inferred from station state
dLocation.12 - EMS Location Phone Number Station Edit
dVehicle - Vehicle Information
dVehicle.VehicleGroup - Group Tag to hold info about Vehicle defined information
dVehicle.01 - Unit/Vehicle Number Vehicle Edit Name
dVehicle.02 - Vehicle Identification Number Vehicle Edit VIN
dVehicle.03 - EMS Unit Call Sign Vehicle Edit Callsign
dVehicle.04 - Vehicle Type Vehicle Edit
dVehicle.VehicleCertificationLevelsGroup - Group Tag to hold info about Vehicle certification and number of personnel AngelTrack will emit one dVehicle.VehicleCertificationLevelsGroup per EMS certificate level on file for the vehicle. You may need to activate certain certificate types from the Certificate Types List if a test-case asks for unusual cert levels.
dVehicle.05 - Crew State Certification/Licensure Levels Vehicle Edit "Certificates" tab; the associated EMS patch levels are converted to their 2009 equivalents
dVehicle.06 - Number of Each EMS Personnel Level on Normal 911 Ambulance Response Vehicle Edit "Certificates" tab, per certificate
dVehicle.07 - Number of Each EMS Personnel Level on Normal 911 Response (Non-Transport) Vehicle Vehicle Edit "Certificates" tab, per certificate
dVehicle.08 - Number of Each EMS Personnel Level on Normal Medical (Non-911) Transport Ambulance Vehicle Edit "Certificates" tab, per certificate
dVehicle.09 - Vehicle Initial Cost Vehicle Edit
dVehicle.10 - Vehicle Model Year Calculated from VIN, in Vehicle Edit
dVehicle.YearGroup - Group Tag to hold info about Vehicle hours and odometer mileage/kilometers per year AngelTrack will always emit these statistics for the prior two years
dVehicle.11 - Year Miles/Kilometers Hours Accrued Automatic, no override
dVehicle.12 - Annual Vehicle Hours Automatic, calculated from shift records; override in Vehicle Edit "Settings" tab
dVehicle.13 - Annual Vehicle Miles/Kilometers Automatic, calculated from dispatch records; override in Vehicle Edit "Settings" tab
dPersonnel - Personnel Information Taken from the Employees List
dPersonnel.PersonnelGroup - Group tag to hold info about the personnel
dPersonnel.NameGroup - Group tag to hold info about the personnel's name
dPersonnel.01 - EMS Personnel's Last Name Employee Edit
dPersonnel.02 - EMS Personnel's First Name Employee Edit
dPersonnel.03 - EMS Personnel's Middle Name/Initial Employee Edit
dPersonnel.AddressGroup - Group tag to hold info about the personnel's mailing address
dPersonnel.04 - EMS Personnel's Mailing Address Employee Edit
dPersonnel.05 - EMS Personnel's City of Residence Employee Edit; see note below about matching the city in a testcase
dPersonnel.06 - EMS Personnel's State Employee Edit
dPersonnel.07 - EMS Personnel's ZIP Code Employee Edit
dPersonnel.08 - EMS Personnel's Country Automatic, no override: Inferred from employee's home state
dPersonnel.09 - EMS Personnel's Phone Number Employee Edit; the "Mobile number" field is sent, and the "Primary messaging" address is sent if set to "SMS", and any "Ohter telephones" are sent
dPersonnel.10 - EMS Personnel's Email Address Employee Edit; the two messaging addresses (if set to "email") are sent as "Work", while the "Additional email address" is sent as "Personal"
dPersonnel.11 - EMS Personnel's Date of Birth Employee Edit
dPersonnel.12 - EMS Personnel's Gender Employee Edit
dPersonnel.13 - EMS Personnel's Race Employee Edit
dPersonnel.14 - EMS Personnel's Citizenship Employee Edit
dPersonnel.15 - EMS Personnel's Highest Educational Degree Employee Edit "Immunizations" tab
dPersonnel.16 - EMS Personnel's Degree Subject/Field of Study Employee Edit "Immunizations" tab
dPersonnel.17 - EMS Personnel's Motor Vehicle License Type Subtype field of all certificates of type "State drivers license" on file for the employee
dPersonnel.ImmunizationsGroup - Group Tag to hold Immunization type and date
dPersonnel.18 - EMS Personnel's Immunization Status Employee Edit "Immunizations" tab; use "[Not listed]" for NEMSIS "Other"
dPersonnel.19 - EMS Personnel's Immunization Year Employee Edit "Immunizations" tab
dPersonnel.20 - EMS Personnel's Foreign Language Ability Employee Edit "Immunizations" tab
dPersonnel.21 - EMS Personnel's Agency ID Number Employee Edit: EMS Agency ID
dPersonnel.LicensureGroup - Group to hold the licensure information AngelTrack will emit one dPersonnel.LicensureGroup per unexpired EMS certificate type (FR, BLS, ALS, etc.) on file for the employee.
dPersonnel.22 - EMS Personnel's State of Licensure Always set to the business home state, from Business Identification, because AngelTrack is always pinned to exactly one state.
dPersonnel.23 - EMS Personnel's State's Licensure ID Number ID number of the EMS certificate, on file in Employee Edit "Certificates" tab
dPersonnel.24 - EMS Personnel's State EMS Certification Licensure Level Patch level of the EMS certificate, on file in Employee Edit "Certificates" tab; the associated EMS patch levels are converted to their 2009 equivalents. You may need to activate certain certificate types from the Certificate Types List if a test-case asks for unusual cert levels.
dPersonnel.25 - EMS Personnel's State EMS Current Certification Date Starting date of the EMS certificate, on file in Employee Edit "Certificates" tab
dPersonnel.26 - EMS Personnel's Initial State's Licensure Issue Date Starting date of oldest EMS certificate of same patch level, on file in Employee Edit "Certificates" tab
dPersonnel.27 - EMS Personnel's Current State's Licensure Expiration Date Expiration date of the EMS certificate, on file in Employee Edit "Certificates" tab
dPersonnel.28 - EMS Personnel's National Registry Number ID number of employee's "National registry" EMS certificate on file in Employee Edit "Certificates" tab, but only if the cert ID number is a properly formatted 8-digit national registry number
dPersonnel.29 - EMS Personnel's National Registry Certification Level Patch level of employee's "National registry" EMS certificate on file in Employee Edit "Certificates" tab, but only if the cert ID number is a properly formatted 8-digit national registry number; the associated EMS patch levels are converted to their 2009 equivalents.
dPersonnel.30 - EMS Personnel's Current National Registry Expiration Date Expiration date of employee's "National registry" EMS certificate on file in Employee Edit "Certificates" tab, but only if the cert ID number is a properly formatted 8-digit national registry number
dPersonnel.31 - EMS Personnel's Employment Status Employee Edit "Payroll" tab
dPersonnel.32 - EMS Personnel's Employment Status Date Automatic: Calculated from last employment status change on file in the Employee Edit "Payroll" tab. AngelTrack searches the employee's HR history for record that shows a different employment status than their current one; if none found, then the hire date is sent instead.
dPersonnel.33 - EMS Personnel's Hire Date Employee Edit "Payroll" tab
dPersonnel.34 - EMS Personnel's Primary EMS Job Role Employee Edit "Payroll" tab
dPersonnel.35 - EMS Personnel's Other Job Responsibilities Employee Edit "Payroll" tab
dPersonnel.36 - EMS Personnel's Total Length of Service in Years Automatic: Calculated from the employee's hire date; can be overridden in "Payroll" tab of Employee Edit
dPersonnel.37 - EMS Personnel's Date Length of Service Documented Automatic: Always set to today's date, for the purpose of data correction of dPersonnel.36; can be overridden in "Payroll" tab of Employee Edit
dPersonnel.CertificationLevelGroup - Group to hold the certification information
dPersonnel.38 - EMS Personnel's Practice Level Automatic: The highest unexpired EMS certificate level on file in Employee Edit "Certificates" tab; the associated EMS patch levels are converted to their 2009 equivalents. You may need to activate certain certificate types from the Certificate Types List if a test-case asks for unusual cert levels. You can override this automatic calculation by using the "State-reportable practice levels" grid under the "Certificates" tab of Employee Edit.
dPersonnel.39 - Date of Personnel's Certification or Licensure for Agency Automatic: The starting date of the employee's oldest EMS certificate of the same type as reported in dPersonnel.38; this date cannot be earlier than the employee's hire date, so if no such certificate is on file with a starting date after the employee's hire date, then the hire date is sent instead. You can override this automatic calculation by using the "State-reportable practice levels" grid under the "Certificates" tab of Employee Edit.
dDevice - Device Information Taken from the Devices List
dDevice.DeviceGroup - Group Tag to hold info about the Device
dDevice.01 - Medical Device Serial Number Device Edit
dDevice.02 - Medical Device Name or ID Device Edit
dDevice.03 - Medical Device Type Device Edit
dDevice.04 - Medical Device Manufacturer Device Edit
dDevice.05 - Medical Device Model Number Device Edit
dDevice.06 - Medical Device Purchase Date Device Edit
dFacility - Facility Information Taken from the Facility List; AngelTrack will report all facilities that have at least one dispatch (as origin or destination) in the past year, plus any facility records that are marked "Always" reportable, minus any facility records that are marked "Never" reportable. However, only the following facility types will be reported: Hospital, Nursing home / Hospice, Dialysis center, Medical office / Clinic, Urgent care center, Freestanding ER, Alternate care site, and [Not listed - see narrative] (aka "Other").
dFacilityGroup - Group Tag to hold info about Facility Information and Facility Type
dFacility.01 - Type of Facility Facility Edit; use "[Not listed - see narrative]" for the NEMSIS "Other" value
dFacility.FacilityGroup - Group Tag to hold info about the Facility and the Facility details
dFacility.02 - Facility Name Facility Edit
dFacility.03 - Facility Location Code Facility Edit: State facility code
dFacility.04 - Facility Hospital Designations Facility Edit
dFacility.05 - Facility NPIs Facility Edit
dFacility.06 - Facility Floor or Room Facility Edit
dFacility.07 - Facility Street Address Facility Edit
dFacility.08 - Facility City Facility Edit; see note below about matching the city in a testcase
dFacility.09 - Facility State Facility Edit
dFacility.10 - Facility ZIP Code Facility Edit
dFacility.11 - Facility County Facility Edit
dFacility.12 - Facility Country Automatic, no override: Inferred from the facility state
dFacility.13 - Facility GPS Location Facility Edit
dFacility.14 - Facility US National Grid Coordinates Facility Edit
dFacility.15 - Facility Phone Number Facility Edit
dCustomResults - Custom Data Element Results
dCustomResults.ResultsGroup - Group Tag to hold custom result information [AngelTrack's state custom implementation, varies by state]
dCustomResults.01 - Custom Data Element Result [AngelTrack's state custom implementation, varies by state]
dCustomResults.02 - Custom Element ID Referenced [AngelTrack's state custom implementation, varies by state]

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