Affiliate Delegation Between AngelTrack Servers / Electronic Rollover

If one of your affiliates also uses AngelTrack, then you can electronically delegate calls to them. This is sometimes called "rollover".

If you rollover calls to one or more affiliated EMS providers, and if they also use AngelTrack, then your AngelTrack server can electronically transmit the call data to them, without any need of keypunch.


To configure server-to-server transmission of delegated calls to an affiliate, an administrator at the affiliate must provide you with an API key for their server's CAD API. Anyone there who has administrator access can issue an API key from their server by visiting the API Configuration item under Settings. An API key looks something like this:


Once you have the API key, edit their record in your server's Affiliates List, switch to the Delegation tab, and configure the following Messaging settings for Dispatch notices:

  • Address type: API
  • Messaging address: Their server's subdomain, i.e. if their server is named "", then input "acme" without quotes.
  • Access key: Paste the API key they sent you.

Be sure to click "Send Test Message" to verify the credential.

If they also delegate calls back to you, and if you choose to allow them to directly transmit those trips onto your dispatch board, then retrieve your own CAD API access key, and tell them to perform these same steps in reverse.

Proxy User Selection (Receiving Server)

When your affiliate is issuing an API key you, they can, on that same page, specify a proxy user account, in whose name all of your delegations will be recorded.

In other words, when you delegate a call to them, and AngelTrack pushes it to their server by this method, the new call will be booked in the name of the user account which they select. They can create a new user account specifically for this purpose, if they like, to make it easy to track activity arriving from your server, versus the normal activity of their dispatchers.

Rollover and the Dispatch Board

Once configured, the system is automatic. Your dispatchers can continue assigning calls to affiliates in the usual way, but instead of sending an email to their dispatchers, AngelTrack will directly copy the trip to their server.

When their server receives the trip, it will attempt to match any linked facility records and any linked patient record, where possible. The trip will then appear on their dispatch board. If their server has an active tag named "External API", it will automatically apply that tag to the trip, plus any tags which are marked as default.

Limitations of Server-to-Server Delegation

There is no support for:

  • Recurring trips / Exceptional times
  • Telemedicine call designated doctor
  • Automatic assignment of a shift or scheduled shift
  • Dispatcher notes (though Dispatcher comments and Billing notes are both sent)
  • Certain secondary-insurance fields

If you delegate both legs of a round-trip, the receiving AngelTrack server will attempt to auto-pair them, which requires that both calls are mirror-images of each other and both occur within 36 hours of each other.

If the dispatcher delegates a call but then changes her mind, and chooses to run the call instead with her own crews, or to use a different affiliate, AngelTrack will not auto-cancel the call in the receiving server; the dispatcher must call the affiliate and negotiate the cancellation of the delegated trip.

This system makes use of AngelTrack's CAD API; to learn more about it, refer to the CAD API Accepting NEMSIS Guide.


When you delegate a call to an affiliate using this system, their server will create an entirely new dispatch record for the trip, which will presumably get marked "Complete, as ordered". Meanwhile your server will retain the original dispatch record, marked "Delegated to affiliate". The two records have completely independent ID numbers and lifespans.

If your server is the recipient, then you will find a journal entry for the trip that shows which AngelTrack server sent it, and what was the original dispatch ID, in case you need to call them.


The recipient of an electronically delegated call could delegate it right back to you, if necessary and if configured for electronic delegation to you. In that situation, a new (third) dispatch record will be created in your AngelTrack server, while the original dispatch record (in your server) and the second dispatch record (in their server) will both remain closed as "Delegated to affiliate".

Any trip closed as "Delegated to affiliate" is not reportable to your state, so there will be no problem with state reporting in this situation; only the dispatch closed as "Complete" will be reportable.

Billing of Delegated Calls

If you delegate a call to an affiliate that is marked Subcontractor billing, then your dispatch record will be the billable call, and it will move through your workflow normally; meanwhile AngelTrack will mark the affiliate's dispatch record "non-billable".

If you delegate a call to an affiliate that is marked Independent billing, then AngelTrack will automatically mark your dispatch record as "non-billable", and the affiliate's dispatch record as "billable", so that the affiliate's workflow will handle the billing instead of yours.