Learn how to use the exception flags to mark receivables that need special attention.
Exception Flags provide a way to mark a dispatch that needs special treatment.
In most parts of the billing process where a dispatch appears, so also does a pair of small flags. The flags appear gray when lowered; they turn red and yellow, respectively, when raised.
Any place the flags appear, they can be raised or lowered just by clicking on them. The change is saved to the database immediately, without any need to click a 'Save' button.
Yellow Exception Flag 
The yellow Exception Flag indicates a problem with a dispatch's insurance claim documentation. Perhaps some of the data is incorrect, or a field was left blank, or a form was missing, causing the insurance carrier to reject the claim.
When processing denials, you can raise the flag yourself (just click it) when you see fit. AngelTrack will automatically raise the flag when you record a payment event that is an insurance approval, insurance denial, or insurance appeal, and which has a CAR or RAR code indicate a documentation problem*.
After correcting the problem, you must lower the yellow flag yourself; AngelTrack will never automatically lower it. The best time to lower it is when inputting an insurance approval for a dispatch that was previously denied and yellow-flagged.
Red Exception Flag 
Unlike yellow, the red Exception Flag does not have a fixed meaning. It means whatever you want it to mean.
AngelTrack will never automatically raise or lower the red flag.
*To see which CAR and RAR codes indicate a documentation problem, refer to the Medicare RAR Code Frequency Report and Medicare CAR Code Frequency Report.