Follow these steps to systematically offload all data from your AngelTrack server prior to its decommissioning.
Prior to its decommissioning, you must offload all data from your AngelTrack server, because AngelTrack LLC is not liable for data retention after your license expires.
Server Decommissioning
After your last AngelTrack license expires, your server enters the cooldown period, to give you time to clear your billing queues and offload your data. Please refer to your Terms of Service document to see how long your cooldown period lasts.
You do not need permission or help from AngelTrack LLC to export all of your data. You can export it whenever you wish, as often as you wish, following the steps below.
To learn about other data export facilities that AngelTrack offers, refer to the Data Lifetime and Export Guide.
Step 1: Run Report PDFs and XMLs
The most important data is your run report PDFs and their associated NEMSIS XMLs, as these contain all important information about your patient encounters.
At any time you can download these in batches of 100, using the Bulk Operations control on the Dispatches Closed page, which is accessible from the sidebar on the Dispatch Home page. Use the filters to iterate through your call history, click the select-all box at the upper-left corner of the grid, and then click the desired bulk operation. You'll want to pull "Report as PDF" and also "NEMSIS 3 XML".
The aforementioned is a manual process which could take several days if you've got years and years of data to export. For this reason AngelTrack also has a bulk offloader that you can use to automate most of the process. The bulk offloader is available only at night, from 20:00 through 02:00 Central Standard Time, and only on servers that are being decommissioned (i.e. which no longer have an active AngelTrack license).
To access the bulk offloader, please contact AngelTrack Support.
Step 2: Data Hub
AngelTrack's data hub makes it easy to pull large amounts of data in CSV format from all the important data sources.
You don't need a Report Builder license to use it; rather than viewing the data in a report, you'll be downloading it as bulk CSVs which you can later view and manipulate using Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.
To proceed:
- Visit the Data Hub by clicking the link on the AngelTrack Home page.
- Use the "Category" selector to visit each of the available categories.
- For each category, select all datasets, or as many at a time as you are permitted. For each group of datasets, use the date controls to interate through all the years that you used AngelTrack, and click "Export Raw Data" for each one.
Some of the categories contain large numbers of datasets, so you must export them in sections; for example, for the Dispatches category, you'll have to export the group of financials datasets separately from the patient-care datasets and so forth. That sounds like a hassle, but it's actually a fine way to break up your data so that it's more tractable later when you need to review it. In fact you'd be well advised to call a meeting with your staff to lay out exactly which groups of data would be most useful to them.
Step 3: Miscellaneous Grids
Lower-priority data -- things not covered by the run report PDFs, XMLs, and the Data Hub -- is available throughout AngelTrack's UI by means of the export button which is always offered by every data grid.
You probably will not ever need such data, considering everything you already got from the run report PDFs, XMLs, and the Data Hub, but perhaps you want to be sure you got absolutely everything including the kitchen sink.
To proceed, you must systematically go through AngelTrack's UI, starting with the Home page and working through the Dispatch Home, Billing Home, Supervisor Home, Fire Home (if applicable), Sales Home, HR Home, and Settings. Check every link to see if it leads to a grid of data, and if so, use the grid's filters and its export button to download all the data it offers.
Step 4: PHI Access Logs
Full PHI access logs are available for download from the Patient Records Journal item under the Settings page. You must use the date controls to iterate through all the years that you used AngelTrack, exporting each block of data as you go.
You might've already done this step if, in the prior step, you exported all data grids available from the Settings page.
Step 5: Raw Webserver Logs
To cover the possibility that you might later need to see every user's raw webserver requests for forensic purposes, download and archive your raw webserver logs. They are available from the Cloud Server Logs link on the Support page.
The past 120 days will be available to you for immediate download. If you require logs from further into the past, you must order them from AngelTrack Support.
To learn how to interpret a raw webserver log, refer to the Data Leak Forensics Guide.
Step 6: AngelTrack License Purchases
If you would like to download receipts for your purchases of AngelTrack licenses, these are available one-click from the Authorization page, accessible from the link on the AngelTrack Home page.