A walkthrough of how to retroactively book a call, or edit an existing dispatch's times
Once a dispatch closes, AngelTrack does not allow modification of its activation time, time assigned, or time closed. Such modifications are prohibited in order to protect the billing workflow, which relies heavily on those date/time fields.
Sooner or later, a mistake in dispatch will need those protected fields to be modified. Here is how to do it.
Retroactive Editing of Dispatch Dates and Times
It is easy to retroactively change the date/time that a dispatch was activated, was assigned, and was closed, if you need to set correct times on a call that didn't get dispatched normally. However, you must double-check your work so as not to create a paradox among the many date/time fields.
- Login to AngelTrack with administrative privileges.
- Find the dispatch in question, and click its ID to open the Dispatch Edit page.
- Click "Followup" to open the Dispatch Followup page.
- In your browser's address field at the very top of the browser window, you will see a web URL that looks something like this:
Place your cursor at the end of that URL and append "&AllowDateEdit=1" (no quotes) to the end of the URL. The example URL would therefore look like this:https://your_server_name.angeltrack.com/DispatchFollowup.aspx?ID=42&AllowDateEdit=1
- Hit enter to reload the page using the modified URL.
- Review and correct all of these times:
- time activated
- time assigned to the crew
- time enroute
- time on-scene
- time transport began
- time arrived at destination
- time returned to service
- time dispatch was closed
- Double-check your work before saving.
- If you modified the "Time activated" field, then you may also be planning to reassign the run to a different crew. See below for instructions.
Retroactive Booking of Dispatches from Scratch
If your company experiences a prolonged network outage, and is forced to run on paper for a day or two, you may need to transfer the paper call records to AngelTrack and then back-date them appropriately.
- Login to AngelTrack with administrative privileges.
- From the dispatch sidebar, click "Book a Backdated Dispatch" to open the booking page.
- Fill in all the trip data from one of the calls that you ran on paper. You cannot enter a round-trip, a wait-and-return trip, or a recurring trip by this method; rather you must enter each transport separately, and afterward manually attach each return trip to its outbound trip.
- Set the activation time to the date and time in the past at which the call was run. AngelTrack can then show you which shifts were available at that time. If the relevant shift is not yet on-file, you will have to option to create it on-the-fly using default information, or else you can follow the instructions below to manually create and backdate a shift record from scratch beforehand.
- In the "Backdate" section, fill out all the leg times reported by the crew who actually ran the call. It's okay to leave some of them blank if you do not know them; the crew can fill out the rest later.
- After saving, you will be sent to the Dispatch Edit page for the trip you just created, so that you can make any necessary adjustments. If you wish to create a backdated return-trip too, it's important not to use the "Create a return trip" link, as that will book a return-trip occurring on the present day; instead, see below.
- Inform the selected crew that they can now fill out the PCR, scan/photograph the paper signatures, and send their report to QA as usual.
- Repeat for the rest of the paper calls.
Creating a backdated round-trip
If you need to create a back-dated return trip for a backdated outbound trip you've already created, book the return trip as a normal back-dated one-way trip, as above, albeit with the origin and destination swapped. Make sure you attach the same patient record. After you save it, AngelTrack will automatically pair it with the matching outbound trip that you created earlier.
Retroactive Editing of Shift Starting and Ending Times
Using the same technique as above, you can retroactively edit the starting and ending times of your shift records. This technique is for ended shifts only; it cannot be used on shift records that are still active.
- Login to AngelTrack with administrative privileges.
- Using the Ended Shifts and Checkoffs page, find the ended shift in question, and click its ID to open the Shift Edit page.
- In your browser's address field at the very top of the browser window, you will see a web URL that looks something like this:
Place your cursor at the end of that URL and append "&AllowDateEdit=1" (no quotes) to the end of the URL. The example URL would therefore look like this:https://your_server_name.angeltrack.com/ShiftEdit.aspx?ID=42&AllowDateEdit=1
- Hit enter to reload the page using the modified URL.
- Review and correct all of these times:
- start time
- end time (must be later than the start time)
- crew composition changes if any
- Double-check your work before saving.
Retroactive Booking of Shifts from Scratch
You can create shift records from scratch, and then retroactively place them in the past using the editing technique given above. You may need to do this if you are retroactively booking dispatch records from scratch.
- Login to AngelTrack with administrative privileges.
- Create a new shift record in the normal way, with the appropriate vehicle and the appropriate crew members onboard. The shift record will be created as an active shift. Remember that crew members can register to receive notifications when they begin or end a shift, so you may accidentally notify them if this occurs.
- From Shifts, find the new record, click the ⇥ End link, and then end the shift in the usual way. You don't need odometer readings or fuel levels.
- Follow the procedure above (Retroactive Editing of Shift Starting and Ending Times) to move the new shift record back into the past.
Once that's done, your new shift record will appear as an available crew for any retroactive dispatch assignments for dispatches whose activation time falls within the shift's active time interval.
Retroactive Assignment to a Past Shift
Whenever you assign or reassign a completed or retroactive dispatch, AngelTrack shows you a list of shifts that were active during the dispatch's time window. Select whichever crew actually ran the call, and then AngelTrack will arrange everything else. The dispatch will then appear as an incomplete report, waiting on the selected crew to complete the PCR.
If you try to retroactively assign a dispatch but do not see the correct crew in the list of choices, double-check the activation time you set in the dispatch. If the activation time is correct but you still do not see the correct crew in the list of choices for retroactive assignment, then you must retroactively create their shift record from scratch, using the instructions above.
An Inconvenient Solution
AngelTrack intentionally avoids exposing UI to retroactively alter the dates and times of trips and shifts.
It does so because retrospective changes to dates and times can easily create serious problems for the billing office, because everything billers do is critically dependent on those dates. If a date gets changed after a call is claimed with insurance, it will be a hassle to correct, and may even cause your NPI to be flagged for suspicious claims.
Retroactive changes will also cast the company in an unfavorable light, should the dispatch and PCR records ever be presented in court... especially if the retroactive edit introduces an error or a paradox, which can easily happen.