General Guide to Query Composition in AngelTrack's Reports

A walkthrough to using Query Composition to improve the data in AngelTrack's reports, as well as some suggestions on how to use it

Query Composition

AngelTrack has many places where you can search for items. In any of these fields you can specify a wildcard in order to show all records matching a certain word or phrase. The wildcard is a percent sign. To perform a wildcard search, add it anywhere in your search term. For example, searching for "Ander%" will return both "Anders" and "Anderson". Searching for "Memorial%Downtown" will return both "Memorial Hospital Downtown" and "Memorial Children's Hospital Downtown".

In addition, many search fields provide advanced logic depending on the task at hand; such fields are labelled to show how their advanced logic works. There are four different advanced search logics within AngelTrack's pages:

  • Begins With

    When a search field is labelled "Begins with", AngelTrack automatically adds the wildcard '%' onto the end of your search term, unless you specify it elsewhere in the search term. So for example, searching for "John" will return "John", "Johns", and "Johnson", since AngelTrack added the wildcard for you and therefore searched for "John%". If you type "%John", AngelTrack will return "John", "Upjohn", and "Dejohn" but not "Johnson", because the wildcard '%' is already present and so will not be automatically added to the end.

  • Is Like

    When a search field is labelled "Is like", AngelTrack will perform a soundalike ("soundex") search to find similar-sounding records. Searching for "John" will return "John", "Jon", "Jones", and so forth. Specifying a wildcard '%' in the search term has no effect.

  • Is Exactly

    When a search field is labelled "Is exactly", AngelTrack will search for an exact match for the search term, and will not automatically add the wildcard '%' onto your search term. You can specify it yourself wherever you wish.

  • Contains

    When a search field is labelled "Contains", AngelTrack automatically adds the wildcard '%' onto the beginning and the end of your search term, unless you specify it elsewhere in the search term. So for example, searching for "Methodist" will return "Methodist, "United Methodist", and "Methodist Hospital"... but searching for "Methodist%" will return "Methodist" and "Methodist Hospital" but not "United Methodist".

For all of these, upper- versus lower-case makes no difference, nor do spaces.

Additional Logic for Facility Searches

Because there are several different ways to type a facility's name and its street address, AngelTrack automatically performs some advanced logic in order to assist in Facility searches by name and by street address. The advanced logic irons out minor differences that would otherwise throw off your search results. On searches by street addresses, "Avenue" is the same as "Ave" and "Ave.", "Street" is the same as "St" and "St.", "Highway" is the same as "Hwy" and "Hwy.", and so forth. On searches by name, "hospital" is the same as "hosp", "center is the same as "cntr", "laboratory" is the same as "lab", and so forth. Punctuation differences are ignored.