When your AngelTrack server is ready, login for the first time and begin the onboarding process.
To get your new AngelTrack installation up and running, connect to it using the URL, username, and password you received via email. You will be the server's administrator, able to see and modify absolutely everything.
After signing the Terms of Service document, you will be shown the Quick Start page, which is a checklist of everything necessary for onboarding.
Did You Finish the Deployment Punch-List?
The Deployment Punch-List gives the steps to take your organization mobile and paperless, before moving to a cloud platform like AngelTrack. Have you looked through it yet?
If not, review it now. There are many things to consider before jumping in to the software.
Your First Login
When your AngelTrack server activated, you received a startup email containing all of the following:
- Your server's unique URL;
- Your admin account's username and password;
- The principal employee's username and password; and
- Warning messages if any regarding your NPI.
You'll use the admin account for most onboarding tasks.
There are just two things the admin account cannot do, which only the principal employee's account can do:
- Sign the AngelTrack terms of service; and
- Configure your retail prices.
You might be the principal employee, and so are authorized to perform those tasks, but you can only do so when logged-in as the principal employee's account.
Arriving at the Quick Start Page
As soon as you login, you'll be required to choose a new password, so that the password in your startup email becomes useless, should anyone get hold of that email.
After you take care of that, AngelTrack will direct you to the Quick Start page.
The Quick Start page is your to-do list of all onboarding tasks for your consideration. You don't have to do them all -- some will not apply to your agency -- but each one should be considered, because AngelTrack has many subtle and powerful features that you may not even be aware of, and we'd hate for you to miss out on any of them!
Using the Quick Start Page
On your first visit, the Quick Start page will ask you what kind of agency you run. Your choices are:
- Private or county EMS
- Billable fire + EMS
- Billable fire department
- Non-billable fire department
If none of those choices are a perfect fit, then just pick the nearest one.
When you make your selection, AngelTrack will adjust the to-do list accordingly. In the "Applicability" column, some items will be marked 'mandatory', others 'optional', still others will become irrelevant.
In any case you are one who decides which items apply and which do not, so the "Applicability" indicators are guidelines, not rules. You can use or ignore any AngelTrack feature as you see fit.
For each item in the list, there will be one or two links you can visit to begin its configuration process.
The list is sorted in the natural onboarding order, with the basic stuff first (stations, vehicles, employees) and then advanced items later... but again, you can go in any order you like.
Marking Your Progress
The Quick Start page does not automatically detect or mark your progress during onboarding. It is up to you to mark progress as you and your employees perform the various tasks.
We suggest that one employee take the role of coordinator, delegating tasks and using the Quick Start page to mark progress as employees complete their tasks.
The items cannot be deleted, so if you choose to skip an item, just mark it "Completed".
Getting Help for a To-Do Item
The Quick Start list offers one or two links for each item. Click the link to visit the page and begin its configuration process. On that page you will see a help link in the upper-right corner, and also a help menu in the lower-right corner, where you can learn everything you want to know about the topic.
From the help menu in the lower-right corner you can also ask Isidore the Support AI, which knows our entire knowledgebase and usually does a good job using it to answer questions.
Snoozing the Quick Start Reminders
During onboarding, AngelTrack will show a shortcut at the bottom-right corner of every page, which links back to the Quick Start page, so that you can easily return to it.
The reminder icon will glow briefly to draw your attention.
AngelTrack will also return you to the Quick Start page every time you login.
You can snooze the aforementioned Quick Start reminders for three days at a time. You can also mark yourself "Finished", which will disable the reminders forever. The Quick Start page will show you the snooze options once per day, and you can also click "Snooze Quick Start" to access the snooze options whenever you like.
You can always return to the Quick Start page later. It is available as a link from the Settings page. You can also un-snooze or re-snooze the reminders as often as needed.
Importing a DEM File
If you are migrating to AngelTrack from another ePCR or CAD, a lot of the initial keypunch can be automated. All you need is your DEM file.
A DEM file is an XML document that every ePCR is required to send to your state trauma registry. It contains a list of your stations, vehicles, employees, protocols, authorized meds and procedures, facilities, and other things. You don't normally ever see a DEM file, because your software platform generates and sends it automatically to the state.
If you can retrieve a copy of it for yourself, or failing that, obtain a copy of it from your state trauma registry, then you can import it into AngelTrack.
When your AngelTrack server was first deployed, we already imported for you the following things from your state:
- Facility list;
- Authorized procedures list;
- Authorized medications list; and
- Custom EMS PCR fields list.
We also already imported a payor ID list from your clearinghouse, if any.
But if you have a DEM file, then you can feed it into AngelTrack to pre-create all of the following:
- Employees list; and
- Vehicles list.
That can save you a LOT of data input, and get you up and running quickly.
The Quick Start page offers links to the relevant importers, once you get your DEM file.
Just make sure your DEM file is current. If your old software has not sent one to your state in a long time, then the state's copy will be stale, and you probably wouldn't want to import it onto your new AngelTrack server. Better to directly export your current DEM file from your software as it stands today.
Setting a Starting Dispatch ID
One of the items in the Quick Start page's to-do list is the task of setting a starting dispatch ID.
AngelTrack numbers its runs sequentially, starting at 1. If you are transitioning from another CAD system and wish to continue your current sequence of run IDs, AngelTrack's run IDs can pick up where the old system left off. Contact the folks at AngelTrack Technical Support using the link provided, and they will be happy to adjust your starting run ID.
These run IDs must increase over time, as new records are added to the system; their issued ID numbers cannot ever decrease. Therefore, if you set a starting run ID of (say) 100000, and then some dispatch records are created as 100000, 100001, 100002, and so forth, you cannot thereafter switch back to smaller ID numbers like 1000, 1001, 1002, and so forth.
This is relevant for EMS operations who want their run IDs to reflect the current year. For example, in the year 2018 you may want all of your run IDs to begin with "18", as in 1800001, 1800002, 1800003, and so on. That is perfectly acceptable, and you will have no problems. You can even change ID numbers monthly, for example in March 2018 you could have run IDs 180300000, 180300001, 180300002, etc. However, what you cannot do is put the month number in front of the year number, like 031800001, 031800002, 031800003.
Going Exploring
To leave the Quick Start page, click any of the icons along the top row of the page. Here is what the icons mean:
Icon | Function |
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Return to AngelTrack home page, which has links to all major areas of the product. Shortcut: ALT+H |
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Visit the Dispatch home page. If you click this icon while already at the Dispatch home page, it will take you to the dispatch board. Shortcut: ALT+A |
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Book a new dispatch. Shortcut: ALT+N |
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Book a new dispatch originating at your primary facility, also known as default facility A. |
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Book a new dispatch originating at your secondary facility, also known as default facility B. |
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Book a new dispatch originating at your tertiary facility, also known as default facility C. |
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Visit the Shifts page to begin, modify, and end shifts. The number in parentheses is the count of active shifts. Shortcut: ALT+V |
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Visit the Billing home page. Shortcut: ALT+B |
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Visit the Supervision home page. |
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Use the Incident system. The number in parentheses is the count of incidents assigned to you. Shortcut: ALT+I |
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Use the Incident system, and there is an unassigned incident awaiting triage. |
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Use the Timeclock system. The number in parentheses is the count of people currently clocked in. Shortcut: ALT+T |
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Show the timeclock popup, in order to clock in or out. |
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Switch your server from 'open' to 'private', or back again; this is Fort Knox mode. |
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Open the search window, used to quickly find dispatches, patient records, and facility records. Shortcut: ALT+G |
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Visit the Crew Home page. Shortcut: ALT+C |
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Access the external email system provided by your company, if any. The icon will appear only if you've configured the URL for the external email system, by visiting the "Online Resources" tab of the Business Identification item under Settings. |
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Logout of AngelTrack. Shortcut: ALT+X |