State Upload Credential Input and Activation

Learn where to input your state trauma registry credential and how to activate AngelTrack's state uploader.

AngelTrack has an automatic uploader for your state trauma registry, and also for your state fire database. All you must do is input the credential issued to you by the state.

To learn more about state uploads in general, please refer to the State Trauma Registry Uploads Guide and/or the State Fire Database Uploads Guide.

Configuration Steps

When you have no active credential for your state uploads, the Settings icon on your AngelTrack home page will show a warning triangle:


Click the Settings icon to proceed.

You will then see the list of settings items, and the NEMSIS Upload Status (for EMS) and/or the NFIRS Upload Status (for fire) icon will show the yellow warning triangle:


Click the NEMSIS or NFIRS item to proceed to your credentials list.

The credentials list will show at least one entry, for your state.  There might be additional entries, if, for example, your state recently migrated to a different registry back-end.  In any case, there should be at least one entry for your state, ready for you to fill in:


Click the credential for your state to open its editor.

Here is how the editor looks:


Your state will provide all necessary information for the editor:

  1. The Upload URL should be pre-filled for you, but you can update it if your state has recently moved its server to a different URL.
  2. Your state will tell you what NEMSIS version to use, and whether there is a cutover date for data to be submitted using the prior version.  You will probably select v3.5.0.
  3. Your state will tell you whether they want DEM uploads, which is the lists of your employees, stations, vehicles, facilities, and capabilities.  Not all states want to receive a DEM upload.
  4. The jurisdiction field should already be pre-filled with your state.  You can create per-country credentials here if necessary, please refer to the relevant State Uploads Guide (linked above) to learn more about county- and city-level credentials.
  5. Your state will tell you the username (aka your webservice account name) and password, and token if necessary.  The username might be an email address.  Most states don't issue or require the token.
  6. In the "Overrides" section you should see your state license number and state agency number already displayed, if so configured under your Agency Information page's "EMS Ops" tab.  Your state will tell you what ID numbers it expects in those two fields.  If the correct numbers are not already configured in AngelTrack, you can correct them in your Agency Information page, or you can input them here as overrides to your configured values.
  7. Double-check your work and then save.

You will be returned to the credentials list page.  Make sure the credential you edited is active and has no warnings indicated.

Now you must wait two or three minutes while AngelTrack tries the new credential, though that could take up to five minutes if the state's backend system is very busy.  Just wait and watch, and soon the AngelTrack page will update and tell you whether it successfully contacted your state's registry.

If it failed, a red error link will appear.  Click the link to retrieve the error message.