Allia Revenue Recovery

Exporting your insurance revenue data for analysis by Allia

What is Allia?

Allia is a revenue recovery agency specializing in the recovery of out-of-network benefits to which you were entitled but denied.

They can analyze your insurance revenue data (as provided by AngelTrack) to determine what options you might have for recapturing any in-network discounts that might've been wrongly levied against you, if you are not an in-network provider.

Exporting your Allia Data for Analysis

AngelTrack has a report that contains all the data Allia wishes to see. You can find a link to it under the "City and State Reports" page, accessible from the Supervisor Home page. The report looks for trips where the primary insurance carrier reduced the allowed amount by at least $400 (or other amount you specify), and where you are not in-network.

For this to work correctly, you must first designate all insurance payor ID records where you are an in-network (i.e. contracted) provider. Your insurance payor ID list is accessible from the billing sidebar.

When you're ready, zoom the Allia report's date window and other filters to the range suggested by your Allia consultant, click the export button Export-Sep-21-2022-07-47-54-40-PM to download it as a .CSV, and then send it to Allia.