EDI Control Numbers in AngelTrack's Billing System

A complete explanation of what are EDI control numbers, what is AngelTrack's control number format, how cross-software uploads are handled, etc.

AngelTrack uses a variety of control numbers when exchanging EDIs with clearinghouses and underwriters. This document explains the format of AngelTrack's control numbers so that you can recognize and utilize them yourself if need be.

You will see EDI control numbers when managing your claim batches when importing EDI documents returned by your clearinghouse, and when manually importing paper EOBs.

If you are not yet familiar with the numbers 837P, 999, 277CA, and 835, or if you do not yet know how your billing software, your clearinghouse, and the insurance carriers all work together, then read the EDI Primer first.

AngelTrack's Control Number Format

Control numbers in AngelTrack's style encode a lot of information about the batch, the claim, and the claim's service lines. AngelTrack uses the control numbers to match up arriving 835s with its own records.

Type of
Control Number
Formatting Explanation
Batch AUxxxxxxx xxxxxxx is the ID number* of the parent EDI batch in AngelTrack, which will be created for you when you export claims as an 837P batch (rather than as 837P singles).
Patient APxxxxxxx xxxxxxx is the ID number* of the patient record attached to the dispatch being claimed.
Claim ADxxxxxxNx xxxxxxx is the ID number of the dispatch record for the claim.
Nx is the number of times it has been previously claimed; for example, "N1" means this is the first time it was claimed.

By default, AngelTrack always uses N1 even during re-filings, so that the control numbers of additional documents will still match up.
You can override this -- causing N1 to become N2, N3, and so forth -- if an insurance carrier requires a re-filed claim to have an entirely new control number. This issue is discussed further just below.
Service lines ASxxxxxxxNx Service line for the pickup (A0428 et cetera).
AMxxxxxxxNx Service line for the mileage (A0425 et cetera).
  ANxxxxxxxNx Service line for unnecessary mileage (A0888).
  AOxxxxxxxNx Service line for oxygen (A0422).
  AAxxxxxxxNx Service line for an extra attendant (A0424).
  AWxxxxxxxNx Service line for waiting time (A0420), in units of 30 minutes.
  AExxxxxxxNx Service line for an ECG (93041 or 93005).
  ARxxxxxxxNx Service line for a BLS resupply charge (A0382)
  AFxxxxxxxNx Service line for an ALS resupply charge (A0398)
  AVxxxxxxxNx Service line for an IV resupply charge (A0394)
  AXxxxxxxxLxNx Service line for a non-standard service code, where the Lx represents the service line number (L4, L5, L6, etc.)
  AYxxxxxxxNx Service line for an ET3 alternate disposition refusal (G2022)

*For compactness in the confines of the 837P specification, the xxxxxxx portions of the batch control numbers and patient control numbers are encoded in hexadecimal rather than decimal. See below for how to decode these.

"N1", "N2" or "N3" at the end of a claim control number

The "N1" at the end of a control number means it is the first time a claim was filed for the associated dispatch. For example, "AD444N1" is the first claim for dispatch ID 444.

When the biller instructs AngelTrack to ☑ Refile a claim for a second or third time, AngelTrack will reuse the same control number as before. This ensures that all PWKs and ADRs will still match up, as they carry the claim control number (AD444N1) of the underlying claim. Reuse of claim control numbers is normal, and happens all the time when filing against a secondary insurer after the primary insurer fails to forward the claim.

Only if the biller specifically chooses to file an additional ☑ Original claim, will AngelTrack change the N1 to N2, N3, N4, and so on. The number after the N indicates the number of times an original claim has been filed for that dispatch. We strongly recommend not to use this feature unless you understand claim control numbers and have been specifically advised by an insurer that a new claim control number is required.

Finding Control Numbers in a Paper EOB

Here is an actual paper EOB from Medicare (Novitas):

EOBSample.Medicare.ClaimControlNumber-1Notice the AngelTrack control number? It will always begin with AD, and will always end with N1N2N3, and so on. Once you find it, you have the AngelTrack dispatch ID.

Finding Control Numbers in an EDI Document

Inside an 837P, 997/999, 277CA, or 835 document you will see one or more control numbers:

  • At least one control number for the batch (ST03);
  • One control number for each included claim (CLP01, taken from CLM07 in the 837P);
  • One control number for each service line of each included claim (REF:6R); and
  • A "medical record number" for each included patient (REF:EA02);

If the original claim was generated by AngelTrack, then you will see AngelTrack-style control numbers inside it.

For example, the following 999 document is a reply to an AngelTrack 837P batch; notice the AUxxxxxxx number indicating the originating 837's control number:

ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*310496583 *ZZ*1932587909 *151116*0912*^*00501*000000010*0*P*:

For another example, the following 835 document is an EOB in reply to a claim sent in an AngelTrack 837P batch; notice the ADxxxxN1 number indicating the claim control number:

ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*330897513 *ZZ*ACMEBILLING *151015*1726*^*00501*223344556*0*P*:
N3*PO BOX 3110
N1*PE*ACME EMS*XX*1234567893

AD4455N1 means this is the first claim (N1) for an AngelTrack dispatch (AD) with ID number 4455.

Manually Decoding an EDI Control Number

The control numbers for claims and for service lines are simple to decode: the xxxxxx portion is the underlying dispatch ID, and the Nx portion is the number of times previously claimed. For example, AD33333N1 is dispatch ID 33333, the first time filed.

As noted above, the control numbers for batches and for patient records are encoded in hexadecimal, in order to fit within the confines of the 837P specification. Therefore, decoding a batch control number or a patient control number requires an extra step.

(Hexadecimal is a computerized number format that stores numbers more compactly than ordinary arabic numbers; for example, the number 1,234,567 takes up seven decimal digits, but as hexadecimal it only occupies six digits: 12D687.)

There is an EDI control number decoder available inside AngelTrack, in the Record a Payment Event page available from Billing Home.

Retrieving the Claim Control Numbers that AngelTrack Filed

When calling an insurance carrier on the phone to check claim status, you will need to have the claim control number for the claim in question.

AngelTrack's claim control numbers are based on the dispatch ID, so you can guess what the claim control number is: dispatch ID 12345 will always claim control number AD12345N1. The "N1" on the end means it was the first original filing; in the very rare situation where you refiled it as a second original claim*, it would then be "N2".

If you don't like guessing, then you can retrieve the claim control number from several different places in AngelTrack:

  • The claim control number is printed in the top-right-hand corner of each page of the printed run report.
  • If you already know which batch the claim is in, you can open the EDI Batch Edit page from the Insurance Transmission Queue, switch to the "Dispatches" tab, and see the claim control numbers right in the grid.
  • The payment event record created for the "Claim" event will contain the claim control number in its comment field... provided that AngelTrack was the one doing the filing. If you export your run reports to a detached biller, then this will not be true.
  • The Carrier Pending Report, underneath the Insurance Pending Report, shows the claim control number plus the payor control number (if any has been received yet) for each outstanding claim.

*Refiling a claim as a new original claim is rare and is only done when an insurance carrier demands it. Most carriers will accept a refile under the original claim control number if the first file was rejected; likewise, most carriers will accept a replacement claim in order to make corrections to the original.