Preplan Maps / Facility Fire Diagrams

Each of your facility records (including residences) can have an unlimited number of preplan maps, each of which shows all the fire-related assets and liabilities on one floor.

In addition to the written preplan, AngelTrack has a simple drag/drop interface to quickly decorate a preplan map of each floor of a facility, including residential and multi-family units, with colorful icons showing the assets and liabilities relevant to firefighting.



Preplan Maps Belong to Facility Records

Each preplan map belongs to a facility record.

Every facility record can have an unlimited number of preplan maps for itself. It can also have a building data form, consisting of many different sections of written information, as explained in the Facility Preplan Guide.

Remember that a facility record can represent any sort of physical location -- be it a building, a set of buildings, an apartment complex, a residence, a strip mall, or even an open field.

Your AngelTrack server must have a Fire Core license, and have at least one fire-related service level enabled, to use the preplans feature.

To access your facility list, find it in the sidebar of any dispatch- or billing-related page anywhere in AngelTrack. To access one specific facility record, you can search for it by name using the Search popover, accessible by clicking the magnifying glass in the top-right corner of most AngelTrack pages.

Plain View / Diagram View

You can switch the map from "Satellite" to "Map" to remove the clutter and see just roads and building outlines, like this:


Floor Numbers

Every preplan map has a floor number, representing the number of floors above or below ground level, in the NFIRS style to which you are already accustomed.

Any ground-floor map, therefore, has a floor number of zero. Subfloors are negative numbers.

The map editor edits just one map (i.e. just one floor) at a time, but when an enroute crew accesses the preplan map viewer, it can show them all maps across all floors simultaneously.

Street View

If your computing device supports it, you can switch the preplan map to "Street View", and view the facility as it appears from ground level... provided that Google Maps has got street-view photography on file for the location.

If it does, then you can take a virtual walk around the facade. You can even move your preplan markers to place them more precisely than using the overhead view:


Tracked and Untracked Hydrants

You can add markers for untracked hydrants, meaning: Hydrants that appear in the preplan map, but which are privately maintained and therefore do not participate in AngelTrack's hydrant tracking system.

You can also add markers for tracked hydrants. There is a separate menu, giving all the different choices of bonnet color. Simply drag them onto the map, and when you afterward save the map, AngelTrack will create records for them in the hydrant tracking system, associating them with the map's owning facility record.

Every preplan map will always display all nearby tracked hydrants, plus its own untracked hydrants.

Tracked and Untracked Hazmats

As with hydrants, for hazardous materials you can add tracked and untracked records.

A tracked hazmat is one which participates in AngelTrack's hazmat tracking system. This is normally used for public hazmats, but because it stores many details about the hazardous material, you might also decide to use it for privately owned hazmats appearing on preplan maps.

Whereas an untracked hazmat is just a hazmat pin on a preplan map, without any explicit details about the associated chemical and its dangers.

Every preplan map will always display all nearby tracked hazmat locations, plus its own untracked hazmat locations.

Delete and Undelete

You can freely delete and undelete the markers on any map. Deleted markers appear semi-transparent.

Likewise you can deactivate and reactivate any map, to indicate whether it remains in force.

You cannot hard-delete any map or marker, you can only soft-delete them.

KML Data / Exporting a Preplan Map

AngelTrack will export any preplan map to you in .KML format, which is suitable for import into a geographic application like Google Earth.

This export option is available from each Facility's "Maps" grid. There is also an export-all icon Export-Sep-21-2022-07-42-20-37-PM, at the top-right corner of the grid, which will export all of the facility's preplan maps as a single KML.

In a KML export, each marker's altitude set according to the floor number of its map.

Hydrants and Hazmat Locations are Integrated

The data from AngelTrack's hydrant system appears on the preplan map automatically.

Likewise the data from AngelTrack's hazmat location system.

Both of the aforementioned can -- when privately owned -- be directly assigned to a facility record, or not, as you see fit, but they will always appear on any relevant facility maps because AngelTrack pulls them in according to their GPS coordinates.

This integration allows you to assign a different employee to manage the public hydrant list without needing to also modify any preplan maps.

Enroute Preplan Viewer / Shareable Preplans

When crews are enroute to a fire call, if the scene has preplan map(s) or building data forms in AngelTrack, or if any nearby facilities have one, the run-call page will show the crew members a blinking link:

This location has a preplan

Clicking the link will open the preplan viewer.

The preplan viewer will show any building data forms, and any preplan maps, on file for the scene address. If there are multiple maps (say, one per floor), crew members can view them all at once, or one at a time.

Share.mediumAlso from the viewer, crew members can share a link with other firefighters, and with other agencies, by clicking the share icon (as seen at right). AngelTrack's preplan viewer does not require a login, and so responders from other agencies can all access it while enroute.