Report PDF Push to SFTP / MediTech Integration

AngelTrack can automatically push PDFs of completed charts to an SFTP server, for import by your MediTech EHR.

Read on to learn how to integrate AngelTrack with your MediTech platform.


  1. This integration makes use of AngelTrack's "CAD Push" system. Other integrations -- ESO, VectorCare, and HealthEMS -- also use this system, and only one can use it at a time, therefore you cannot also integrate with ESO, VectorCare, or HealthEMS; you can only choose one.
  2. This feature is part of an add-on license bundle named "ESO + VectorCare + HealthEMS + MediTech". That add-on license bundle must be active in your AngelTrack server to make use of this feature. To learn more about add-on license bundles, visit the Feature Buffet Guide.
  3. You must already have an SFTP server (owned or rented) onto which AngelTrack will upload PDFs. Make sure your SFTP server is HIPAA compliant; mainly this means it cannot run as a VM in hardware shared with strangers, but there are other requirements too. Contact your datacenter or hosting provider and ask them for their compliance documents.


To activate the integration, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to your AngelTrack server with Administrator or Captain privileges.
  2. Visit the Settings page, and click on the "ESO / HealthEMS / SFTP" item.
  3. For the Upload URL setting, select "SFTP server".
  4. In the URL box, place the complete URL to your SFTP server, including any subdirectories. The specified subdirectories must already exist on the SFTP server. The URL must begin with "sftp://" (no quotes). Here is an example of a completed URL that will place files into a folder "incoming" underneath the home directory of user "angeltrack" on an SFTP server named "host334" at a hosting provider named


  5. Input the username and password issued to you by the SFTP server's administrator.

If you need AngelTrack's PDF uploads to be named in the style of MediTech, follow the additional configuration steps in the "Configuration for MediTech" section.

Configuration for MediTech

If you want the uploaded PDF filenames to obey the MediTech style, then perform these additional configuration steps:

Return to the "ESO / HealthEMS / SFTP" configuration page and configure the two additional-identifier fields.

  • The "Secondary identifier" should be the 12-character filename prefix for your agency (usually containing underscores).
  • The "Tertiary identifier" should be the 12-character auxiliary data segment between the visit date (YYMMDD) and the visit number (Vxxxxxxxxxxx), which can be all zeroes.

Save changes.

Visit the "Custom EMS PCR Fields" configuration item and add a new field:

  • Name: "MediTech Visit Number" (no quotes), must be named exactly this.
  • Data type: If your visit numbers have seven or fewer digits, and will continue to do so, then you can use the "Number - Integer (0-9999999)" data type, else you must use the "Text" data type which has less protection against typographical errors.
  • PCR location: 'Custom' tab
  • Required for: All
  • Jurisdiction: All

This new field will appear on the PCR's "Custom" tab. For every report, the crew must input the MediTech visit number that matches their assigned call. AngelTrack will emit the visit number in the "Vxxxxxxxxxxx" section of the uploaded filename.



The SFTP uploader will not send dispatches that were cancelled or delegated.

The SFTP uploader will send a dispatch only during the following events:

  • A crew member completes their report and submits it to QA.
  • A dispatcher closes a call which (per the AngelTrack configuration) is permitted to skip over QA.
  • A crew member finishes the necessary corrections to a failed report and resubmits it to QA.

As such, there could be a repeated upload.

AngelTrack does not check for duplicate MediTech visit numbers, so a typo from a crew member in the "MediTech Visit Number" field could cause a second PDF to be sent, with a different date of service but the same visit number as an earlier PDF.

The receiving SFTP server must be listening on port 22.

The SFTP uploader will retry any failed uploads, but will give up after 24 hours.