AngelTrack can automatically push trip data into ESO, if you use AngelTrack for dispatch but your crews are required to complete their charts in the ESO platform.
To use AngelTrack's ESO push integration, you must already have an account in the ESO platform. ESO will then issue you a GUID, sometimes called a UUID or unique-identifier, to serve as the password that AngelTrack will use to upload data on your behalf.
You must input that GUID into AngelTrack by visiting the "ESO / HealthEMS Configuration" item under Settings, for which you must have Administrator, Captain, or Principal access in AngelTrack.
The configuration settings are:
Upload URL
This is the URL of the webservice to which AngelTrack will send data. Be sure that the "ESO" option is checked.
This is the GUID issued to you by ESO.
Not used by the ESO integration.
Agency number
If you must send to ESO a value for "EmsAgencyNumber" other than your normal trauma registry number (aka dAgency.02), then specify it here; else leave it blank.
Make sure the ☑ Active box is checked. Once this configuration is done, everything else will happen automatically.
Upload Prerequisites
AngelTrack will send a call to ESO only if all these conditions are met:
- The dispatch is open (not yet closed or cancelled) and has activated;
- The dispatch is assigned to an active shift -- not to an affiliate or to a scheduled shift; and
- The crew has at least gone enroute.
No other dispatches are reportable to ESO.
Upload Points
During the lifecycle of an active dispatch, AngelTrack will upload its data to ESO at these points in time:
- Crew goes enroute
- Crew arrives on-scene
- Crew marks themselves as having made patient contact
- Crew begins transport
- Crew arrives at destination
- Crew returns to service
AngelTrack performs an upload at each of those points in time because AngelTrack is the one collecting the leg times, odometers, and crew GPS positions, and so this accumulating data must be added to the trip record in ESO.
After each upload, the crew can access the ESO portal to complete their PCR.
Multiple Responders
AngelTrack will upload a separate record to ESO for each responder assigned to a call. Therefore, every responding crew will have a chart to fill out in ESO -- even if all they need to do is indicate they provided assistance, or were cancelled enroute.
The AngelTrack-ESO push integration has the following limitations:
One-way data flow
Data flows from AngelTrack to ESO, but does not flow back into AngelTrack's PCR. Therefore, if you use AngelTrack's QA review system, trauma registry uploader, or billing system, then your crews must create the necessary PCR records in AngelTrack, duplicating the data they input into ESO.
Other integrations ineligible
This integration makes use of AngelTrack's CAD Push system, which means that these other integrations cannot also run:
- HealthEMS integration
- ImageTrend integration
- VectorCare integration
- Report PDF Push / MediTech integration
Included and Omitted Data
When AngelTrack uploads trip data to ESO, the following data is sent:
- Complaint
- Origin and destination addresses
- Patient name, DOB, and SSN.
- Call-sign(s) and posting station(s) of responding vehicle(s)
- Crew patch numbers
- Time punches and crew GPS positions
- Odometer readings
Electronic signatures are not included, nor is any other PCR data. The AngelTrack-ESO integration envisions that crews will do all other PCR bookkeeping in the ESO portal.
In any case, AngelTrack always sends all data that can possibly fit in the ESO data specification. However, the ESO webservice does not import all fields under all circumstances; some fields are ignored based on the parameters of the trip, when ESO prefers instead to organically collect the data from your crews.
Crews Must Perform Their Progress-Button Pushes
The data sent from AngelTrack to ESO is controlled by the disposition fields (in Followup). AngelTrack automatically sets the disposition fields in response to the progress-button pushes from the crews as they run calls.
If the crews switch to ESO upon arriving on-scene, and do not give AngelTrack the expected "transporting", "at destination", and "back in service" progress button pushes, then the data sent from AngelTrack to ESO will be incomplete. It is best to perform all time-punches in AngelTrack, and switch to ESO after returning to service.