Common Supervisor Tasks

A complete list of helpful articles, in order, for supervisors to read to get the most out of AngelTrack

The Supervisor roles (Captain and Lieutenant) carry the following responsibilities in AngelTrack:

  • Review the HIPAA Compliance Guide and understand the organization's responsibilities under the law.
  • Set up new employees after the Administrator has added them to AngelTrack, making sure the employee knows how to maintain his or her mobile phone number, email address, and list of certificates.
  • Manage the fuel logs, verifying that all fuel purchases are properly logged, watching for unusual dips in miles-per-gallon that indicate theft of fuel, and handling any fuel receipts that show up in the Fuel Receipts With Problems report. Refer to the Fuel Logs guide for details.
  • Monitor vehicle fuel levels, directing refueling operations when vehicles report they are low on fuel. AngelTrack's fuel log system provides continuous estimates of each vehicle's remaining fuel; Supervisors need only bookmark the Fuel Status Report page and watch for vehicles to turn red.
  • Use the incident system to document problems, failures, accidents, and conflicts; and use the incident system's electronic signature feature for formal write-ups. To learn more, read the Incident System guide.
  • Monitor the various crew performance reports (QA, punctuality, runtimes) and arrange discipline or retraining for the crew members who fall short of your agencies performance standards. To learn more, read the Enforcing Report Completion guide.
  • Monitor the Postprocess Status Report to identify employees with backlogs of unfinished/uncorrected reports.
  • Create a products list and begin using AngelTrack to keep inventory of the supply rooms from which crews restock their trucks.
  • Create and modify the checklists that dispatch will assign to Shifts. If new to AngelTrack, read the Using Checklists guide.
  • Monitor the Checklists With Problems report to catch mechanical problems and inventory shortages that occur on Vehicles and at Stations.
  • Monitor the Vehicles With New Damage report to keep apprised of any new damage to vehicles. To learn more about vehicle damage tracking, read the Vehicle Damage Logs guide.
  • Monitor the Certificates Expiring reports for Employees, Vehicles, and Stations in order to initiate renewal paperwork before any expiration dates are reached. Read the Certificate Tracking guide for details.
  • Understand how AngelTrack performs GPS tracking of crews, and maintain the appropriate GPS settings on company-owned mobile devices.
  • Keep current the information stored in Station and Vehicle records.
  • Use the PCR Completeness Reports to monitor how thoroughly your crew members are filling out their PCR reports.
  • Grant achievements to employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. To learn more, read the Achievements guide.
  • At least once, read the Top Tips List, a list of key insights about AngelTrack that all users should know.

Captains have additional responsibilities:

  • Review the Disaster Preparedness Guide, develop a disaster plan for the organization, and test the plan based on your agencies' protocls. This includes the staging of paper forms in the dispatch office and in vehicles, to be used when temporarily running without AngelTrack.
  • Monitor the incident system, to triage unassigned incidents to the right people and to identify stale incidents that require intervention.
  • Monitor the Ontime Arrival by Facility report to identify tardiness problems before they result in a customer complaint.
  • Maintain the Medication List to reflect the medications currently carried by BLS/ALS crews.
  • Maintain the Lab Tests List to reflect the on-scene lab tests, if any, currently offered by the company.
  • Create new certificate types, and deactivatate unused ones, to meet the company's certificate-tracking needs.
  • Create custom PCR fields so as to require crews to collect information specifically required by your operation, or by your city, or by your state health department.
  • Edit AngelTrack's facility records to add ER phone numbers for your frequently used hospitals. When AngelTrack has an ER phone number for a facility, it will show it to crews who are headed towards it, allowing them (if using AngelTrack on their smartphones) to just click the phone number to call the ER directly instead of going through the hospital's phone system.