Crew and PCR FAQ

A list of the frequently asked questions regarding crew and PCR topics

Why does a single unfinished report show up in both crew members' to-do lists?

Until a crew member is designated as the attending, all crew members onboard the vehicle are liable for completing the report.

AngelTrack automatically sets the attending to be the first crew member who opens the PCR. So, if nobody has opened the PCR, then the attending is not set, and everyone in the truck is liable.

If a shift contains only a single crew member, then that crew member is automatically marked as the attending for all calls assigned to the shift.

How do I change the attending to a different crew member?

When a dispatch is assigned to a shift, any crew member included in the shift can make themself the attending, by visiting the Followup page and clicking the Make Me the Attending button.

Any lieutenant included in the shift, and any captain (even one not on board), can use the Followup page to select any crew member as the attending.

QA reviewers can alter the attending during the QA review process, in order to fail the report back to a different crew member.

Dispatchers and Billers can alter the attending at any time, using the Followup page.

Can I change the layout of the AutoCompose'd narrative?

Yes, to a limited degree.

Under the Settings page select "Document Templates". Edit the template named PCRNarrative.txt. You can rearrange or remove any sections (enroute, onscene, transporting, destination) you wish. You can also add other variables (like [BUSINESS_NAME] or [BUSINESS_STATE_LICENSE_NUMBER] to name a few), additional text, and/or formatting marks to be included in all composed narratives.

Can I block my crews from using AutoCompose?


To block an individual employee from using it, visit the Employee Edit page and select the "Privileges" tab. Uncheck the "Use the Narrative Composer" box and then save.

To block everyone from using it, visit the Settings page and select "Document Templates". Edit the template named PCRNarrative.txt. Delete any sections (enroute, onscene, transporting, destination) that you will not allow the Narrative Composer to write.

When blocking everyone from using AutoCompose, it's a good idea to let them AutoCompose the enroute section of the narrative. That section contains nothing but dry facts such as date, time, crew names, crew patch levels, vehicle name, origin name, and so forth. It virtually never contains medical content, so AutoComposing it will save your crews a lot of repetitive typing.

Why does AutoCompose write a slightly different narrative each time I click the button?

AutoCompose randomly chooses different expressions and word order each time it runs. If you closely compare several different AutoCompose narratives for the same dispatch, you will see that the same pertinent information is always included, despite the randomization of phrasing.

Where did the PCR narrative "autosave" feature go?

When multiple browser tabs were opened to the same narrative, the autosaves could conflict with each other; a long narrative in one browser tab could be overwritten by a stray keystroke in the same narrative in a different tab, or on a different device.

This resulted in phone calls to the support line, accusing AngelTrack of deleting peoples' narratives, so we had to remove the feature.

Why does the "PCS" button sometimes turn dark yellow?

A dark yellow button in the PCR is an advisory: the information is probably needed, but AngelTrack is not certain that the information is needed, so the crew is not required to input it. They can send their report to QA while dark yellow buttons are still showing.

The PCS button lights up when a PCS is needed (a Medicare patient traveling non-emergent) and not yet on file. It turns bright yellow if your "PCS Completion" preference setting is "Required", versus dark yellow if your setting is "Advisory" or "Strict". Read the PCS Requirements guide to learn more about these settings, and for advice on selecting one.

Why isn't it allowing my crews to edit their leg times?

Crews are not permitted to edit their leg times when the dispatch is still open. Once it closes, editing is permitted.

This restriction exists to prevent the crew from making an edit that could confuse the dispatchers. For example, suppose the crew has been transporting for 40 minutes, and the dispatchers are monitoring the board as usual. Suppose the attending decides to edit the leg times, and makes a mistake. Suddenly the dispatch board changes to "transporting for 2 minutes", and the dispatcher is left questioning her sanity.

Where is the reperfusion checklist?

The reperfusion checklist is a popover shown by the PCR's "Meds" page.

When the crew selects any medication that is marked as a thrombolytic, a warning icon is displayed, along with a link to pop up the checklist. The answers to the checklist will be saved in the PCR, and will thereafter appear in the run report.

AngelTrack's built-in medication list already has its thrombolytics appropriately marked. If you add a new medication to the list, you can mark it yourself as a thrombolytic.

How do I record a reperfusion checklist without recording a medication?

Go to the PCR Meds page, run the checklist, and then click the Save button. It is not necessary to save the medication record.

Where is the stroke screen?

AngelTrack provides interactive versions of various stroke screens:

  • Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen (L.A.P.S.S.)
  • Rapid Arterial oCclusion Evaluation (R.A.C.E.)
  • Cincinnati (C.P.S.S.)
  • Alabama E.M.S.A.
  • Orange County CA

The interactive features reduce the amount of cognitive processing needed to complete the screen, since these screens are often performed in a rush.

The stroke screen is a popover shown by the PCR's "Assessment" page. The screen can be activated manually; it will activate automatically if the crew member enters certain exam findings that are correlated with stroke.

L.A.P.S.S. is the default stroke screen. To switch the PCR to a different stroke screen, visit Preferences under Settings.

To learn more, read the Stroke Screens Guide.

Can I change the PCR to have a different background color other than black?

The PCR uses a black background to protect the crews' night vision... but only when their computers and mobile devices are in "dark mode". In "light mode", the PCR switches to a white background.

Every modern computer and mobile device supports light mode and dark mode; some even switch automatically at dawn and dusk. Check your device's settings to see how to activate it.

Why are the buttons on the Run Call page so huge?

They are huge so that they are easy for a driver to press on a small smartphone screen.

Remember, the driver is usually accessing AngelTrack from a personal smartphone because the tablet is in back with their partner.

Can I get a list of all the fields supported by the PCR?

AngelTrack is NEMSIS v3 certified, which means it supports everything in the national standard for PCR fields.

AngelTrack also has custom PCR fields, allowing you to add an unlimited number of new datafields, and to choose when the crew must answer them.

Why isn't it auto-populating the patient's demographics, billing, and medical history?

If the PCR's Patient, Billing, PMHx, and History tabs are not automatically populating with data that was previously collected for the patient, it is probably because there are duplicate patient records in the system: record A was populated, but record B is attached to the dispatch and is not populated yet.

To learn where duplicate patient records come from, and how to merge them away, read the Duplicate Patient Records Guide.

Why doesn't the patient's PMHx data appear in their other trips?

Normally it should.

If it's not, then first, make sure that the problem is not a duplicate patient record.

If that's not the problem, then probably you are running afoul of the patient data checkpoint system, please follow that link for an explanation.

Can I designate some additional PCR fields as mandatory?


AngelTrack's design philosophy says: if the PCR demands an answer in a datafield, crew members will be forced to lie, because ambulances are hectic places and there isn't always time to collect all data.

This is why datafields in AngelTrack's PCR always have a "[Not recorded]" option. It is the crew's responsibility to collect and input data as best they can, and it is the responsibility of the QA reviewer to approve of missing data on a case-by-case basis.

In other words, missing PCR data is a disciplinary issue, not a technological issue. To that end, AngelTrack gathers statistics on how completely each crew member fills out their PCRs, and these statistics can be viewed as graphs showing each crew member's completeness over time. The graphs provide the quantitative data needed to hold crew members accountable, and to measure their improvement over time.

On a related note, you can add custom PCR fields to the system, and designate them as mandatory under certain circumstances.

On my iOS device, it repeatedly asks to use my current location.

The Safari browser does that. You must configure it to always allow AngelTrack to request the device's location. Do this by clicking the "aA" icon at the top-left corner, selecting "Website Settings", and changing the "Location" setting to "Allow".

If Safari does not have the "aA" option, then your device is running an older version of Safari. If it is no longer possible to update it to the latest iOS, then switch to Chrome as your browser. It will ask a couple of times, and thereafter remember and so stop asking.

Can I add new ICD10 codes to the lists of impressions and acute symptoms?

Yes, under Settings... but note that your state may not allow certain codes. Your state may have posted their list of acceptable codes, on the NEMSIS website.

You can also edit AngelTrack's origin types list (eScene.09), in case your state rejects the NEMSIS standard list.

Can crews set or change their own destination?

Yes, under two circumstances: They can do so when AngelTrack is in unattended mode, and they can do so when they belong to the call-taker role and have assigned the call to themselves.

When thus allowed, the crew can choose a destination using the Hospital ER List page, available from the Run Call page and able to be kept always open in a separate browser tab.

For this feature to work right, your facility list must be in good order, with all local hospitals recorded, with their facility type set to ER and their GPS coordinates stored.

The touchscreen signature isn't working, it just captures a few dots.

If using a ToughBook, make sure to use the stylus.

If that isn't the problem, then read the Touchscreen Signature Problems guide.

Can I add a custom signature form to the PCR?


Go to Document Templates under Settings and input your custom verbiage in the "UserConfigurableOtherSignature" template 1 or 2. It will then appear in the PCR.

How do I move a patient signature from one trip to another?

If you collected a signature for the wrong trip, and so need to move it to a different one, do this:

  1. Open the printout of the trip that has the signature.
  2. Scroll down to the signature section and take a screenshot.
  3. Switch to the trip that needs the signature.
  4. In the PCR Documents section, upload the screenshot as an "Auth / Xfer Signatures" document.
  5. In the PCR Signatures section, fill out the relevant signature forms with the date, time, and signatory name, but don't sign; instead, select "Paper copy obtained" as the reason not signed.
  6. If appropriate, go back to the original trip, and delete the relevant signature(s).

When I try to edit our medical protocol, I get a popup that just says "error?"

Our WYSIWYG HTML editor is accidentally triggering your popup blocker. You must disable it when visiting AngelTrack.

You may also see this error on AngelTrack's announcement editor, which likewise uses the WYSIWYG HTML editor.

There was a patient injury, and so we need higher-res document storage for evidence photos...?

Indeed, the PCR's document storage system keeps images at 1536x1536, which is approximately 150 dpi, and in black and white, because it is intended for medical document storage. It is unsuitable for evidentiary photographs taken of an injury scene where you anticipate a lawsuit against EMS.

In this situation, crews should attach an incident record to the trip, and upload the evidence to the incident instead of to the PCR. Incidents can store any document types and have no limit on image resolution.

The PCR is too bright to use at night, it hurts my eyes...?

Switch your computer or mobile device to dark-mode, and AngelTrack will automatically switch with it.

Why do my run reports sometimes show large numbers of blank fields?

When viewed by a QA reviewer using the links on the QA Review form, a run report shows all possible data fields regardless of whether or not they contain information. This is done so that QA is aware of what information was NOT provided by the crew and by the dispatcher.

At all other times, run reports omit data fields if they contain no information, except for the following fields which are always shown even if empty:

  • Patient Disposition
  • Reason for Transport
  • Patient Last Name
  • Patient First Name
  • Patient Social Security Number
  • Patient Home Address
  • Patient Primary Insurance Type

How do I fax out the run report from the PCR?

You need a fax-over-internet app installed on your mobile device. There are dozens available, and most of them are quite cheap. We've tested both RingCentral (a full-featured VoIP solution) and MetroFax (a low-cost fax-over-internet solution) and had good results.

Once the app is on your device, open the "Print" popover and choose one of the PDF options. AngelTrack will download the entire run report -- including signatures and documents -- in a single .PDF file. Your mobile device will then offer you a choice of applications to handle the .PDF. The fax application should be one of those choices.

Rather than faxing, it would probably be easier to simply email the report to them. Ask them for their email address and then relay it to your dispatcher to save into the facility's or patient's record in AngelTrack. Once that's done, the PCR will (in its "Email" feature) offer to email the PDF to that email address.

Please also look in to AngelTrack's Kno2 integration, which provides automatic electronic transmission of PCRs to destination hospitals. AngelTrack also has an automatic SFTP uploader that can automatically deposit PDFs of completed PCRs to an SFTP server of your choosing.

Printing my run reports uses too much paper...?

First, consider using the "Compact" format, available from several different grids available to dispatchers and billers. This format will remove the pagebreaks that are normally inserted between report sections. The pagebreaks improve readability, but obviously make the report consume about twice as much paper.

Second, when printing, use the "Print Options" or "Page Setup" feature to choose four pages per sheet, rather than full size. Some web browsers and most .PDF readers (such as Acrobat and Nitro) have this capability. Your printer may also offer this option via its printer driver -- meaning the option will be somewhere in the "Printer Setup" menu. The printout will be smaller but, provided your printer is capable of 600dpi, will be perfectly legible and ideally suited for archival purposes. However you won't be able to fax it out, because fax machines are only capable of 100dpi / 200dpi (fine) / 400dpi (superfine).

How can I archive my old run reports?

AngelTrack can download your complete run reports as .PDFs, zipped up for you in batches of 100. Download the zipped batches using the Closed Dispatches grid, burn them to CD, and squirrel the CD away someplace safe.

The run reports contain all dispatch and PCR data, all attached documents, all electronic signatures, and all other attachments such as ECG strips and diagnostic images. They are fully self-contained .PDFs that use no special features, and so they are viewable and printable using any .PDF reader.

Can the PCR pull data from our monitors?

AngelTrack can pull data from ZOLL X-series monitors, provided they are configured to upload their data to RescueNet.

It can also pull data from Stryker/Physio-Control/Medtronic LIFEPAK monitors, provided they have modems and can upload to LIFENET.

Where is the Utstein report?

Utstein reporting is available in Report Builder.

Why does it say we drove 100+ miles an hour, and won't let us submit our report?

AngelTrack calculates your speed using your odometer readings and your leg times. If you are sure that your odometer readings are correct, then visit the Followup and check your "Time transport began" and "Time arrived at destination".

Why isn't the signature for one of the crew members appearing in the printed PCR?

  1. Make sure the crew member has logged-in to AngelTrack, and make sure they have provided an electronic signature when requested. They can double-check this by visiting their Employee Self-Edit page and clicking the "Signature" tab.
  2. If the signature still does not appear in the printed PCR, double-check that the crew member is present in the list of crew members attached to the call. You can find this list by opening the run ticket and clicking the "Crew" tab.
  3. If still no luck, then an administrator or member of HR must access the Employee HR Edit page for the crew member, click the "Payroll" tab, and verify that the employee's hire date occurs prior to the date of service for the PCR.
  4. If the signature still does not appear, then return to the Employee HR Edit page, go back to the "Payroll" tab, and review the "Payroll history" grid. Make sure that the crew member is listed as an ✓Active employee on the date of service. Anyone with HR or administrator privileges can edit the employee's payroll history as needed to correct any errors.

Why can't it find this patient's ZIP code for their home address?

AngelTrack uses Google Maps for ZIP and county lookups. If AngelTrack cannot find the ZIP code for the patient's residence address, it's because the Google Maps lookup for that street address did not return one.

Probably there is a typo in the street number or name, or in the city name. Try opening a browser window to Google Maps, input the same street address, and see what comes back.

Can I get a list of all procedures I've performed, for the sake of Continuing Education credits?

Yes, AngelTrack can give you a list of all EMS procedures that you've performed over any date range, including passive procedures like assessments and vital signs, in case you need it for CE credits.

To download your data:

  1. Click your initials to visit your Employee Self-Edit page.
  2. Switch to the "Statistics" tab.
  3. Set the date-range controls to the time period you desire.
  4. Scroll down and click the "Export the list of PCR procedures I performed" link.

AngelTrack also has a CEU tracking system, available as an add-on feature to the certificate tracking system, please refer to the CEU Tracking Guide to learn more.

Do I need to attach a patient record to every dud call?

If you are required to fill out the PCR for every dud call, then yes, you must attach a patient record, even if everything is going to be blank.

To satisfy your state's data validation rules, the PCR-Patient page offers you an orange lightning-bolt helper button that will set most fields to "Unable to complete".

This does not apply to fire calls, where the patient record represents the homeowner or customer, and therefore can be freely omitted. The NFIRS spec does ask that you at least try to find out who owns the property, and input this information into "Entity" information in the Basic module, where possible. If your dispatcher has already attached a patient (customer) record to your trip, then the "Entity" page will offer you a handy link to auto-fill the entity form using data from the attached patient record.

Broselow tape / Handtevy colors

The PCR collects the broselow tape length/color on the PCR-Assessment page.

The PCR collects the patient age and weight information on the PCR-Patient page.

The PCR collects pregnancy and allergy information on the PCR-PMHx page.

The above information, if collected recently, automatically appears on the PCR-Medications page, to assist you in selecting the correct dose.

Where is the BMI calculator?

The patient's BMI is calculated and displayed on the PCR-Patient page.

For children, you will need a BMI chart -- perhaps from your protocol book -- in order to interpret the BMI data.

Isn't there an alternate PCR user interface?


You can switch the PCR from a top-ribbon to a sidebar, or from full-color to colorblind mode, by visiting the HTML Control Preferences page, accessible from a small settings icon at the bottom-right corner of the PCR top-ribbon.